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I walked to the library from our college.

"boring boring boring." I thought to myself.

I walked in and quietly walked towards the poetry section which was located upstairs.

She was so into poetry but I found it slightly boring.

The way she stared at the words made me want her to stare at me like that.

Lame...I know.

I grabbed random books that had cool covers.

Some had roses and others just had words. Of course you idiot it's the title.

I walked to a long table and took a seat in the middle.

I smiled at the words.

No wonder she loved them they seemed so descriptive.

I heard a chair being pulled in front of me.

I continued reading the words my facial expressions probably made me look slightly insane and so into it.

"You like poetry too?" I heard a soft voice ask.

I looked up and saw her y/e/c eyes.

"O-Oh...yes of course." I smiled and gripped the book hard.

"I like it a lot, the writing is amazing." She smiled widely and blushed.

"Yeah...it's lovely." I mumbled as I continued reading.

I stared back at her and realised she was wearing my hoodie from last night.

I stared for a long time until she snapped me back into reality.

"Do you want it back?" She asked as she began to take it off.

"W-what? No you look really really good. In it...you look good in general n-not saying that you don't always look good-w-what I meant to say was you're so hot-Sorry I didn't mean it...well I did but um-" she cut me off with her giggling.

"Here! It's fine I understood what you meant...I think?" She continued giggling as I became flustered.

She stood up and sat next to me giving me my hoodie and a full view of her outfit.

Some red short shorts...really short, and a black adidas crop top.

"No keep it...it'll just give me an excuse to go see you again." I cringed.

"Hm, thanks. You know you've always seemed like someone who wouldn't be on top." She put her chin on her hand as she leaned over.

"Are-are you talking about s-sex?" I blushed.

"Yeah, you seem so cute and innocent...not saying you aren't cute but you act so good. Like such a good boy." She smiled and giggled.

"Really? I've always thought you seemed like the good one out of the both of us. The way you dress. The little skirts and dresses. Actually you act like a good girl but you seem to always bend over and show me something I like." I bit my lip and stared at hers.

"Yeah? I'd be glad to bend over for you any day." She began to lean in and put her hand on my thigh.

"Can we do this somewhere else?" I asked as my lips brushed against hers.

"Let's go then." She stood up and pulled my arm.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and smirked as we began to walk away.

Damn this week is gonna be great.

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