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Y/N's POV:
I dusted my skirt as I walked awkwardly alone again.

It's only been three days since the both of us had any social contact with one another.

I'd see him in the library and saw him walking to his class as I walked to my own.

This time I was walking toward the library to study.

I was caught up in my thoughts until I felt another body collide with me making me drop all my things I held.

"Oh shoot! I'm really sorry." The voice said.

The person helped me pick up my things and smiled kindly.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

"You study psychology? That's cool!" The blue eyed boy passed me my book.

"Hm thanks, so what's your name?" I asked as we walked over to a table.

"Phil...what about you?" He nodded.

"I'm Y/N." I sat on the chair next to him.

"Cute name for a really adorable girl right?" He chuckled.

"Thanks." I tucked my hair behind my ear and giggled.
"Anyways Phil, what are you studying?" I opened my book.

"Linguistics. Pretty boring though." He sighed.

"No. It sounds amazing. So what do you plan on being after you graduate?" I looked up at him.

"I-I don't know. It's difficult to pick one think you're gonna set your mind to, you know?" He asked.

"Yes. I completely understand. I've always wanted to be a psychologist. It seems nice." I smiled.

"I'm guessing you enjoy helping others." Phil looked at his books.

"Kinda." I shrugged.

I felt as if I was being stared at. So I turned back to look over at the large bookshelves.


But I knew someone was staring.

I excused myself quickly and walked over to the bookshelves.

I walked slowly.

"Hello?" I whispered.

I turned the corner and there was no one.

I shrugged it off and walked back over to Phil.

"What happened? You left so fast." He chuckled.

"Oh um, I just felt something. I thought I saw someone I recognised." I looked over at the large glass window and saw someone in a black hoodie.

"'s getting late. I should go. It was great meeting you Phil, bye." I waved and walked quickly with all my books.

It was raining so that made it even creepier that I was about to confront that person. What if the stab me to death. Y/N calm down.

I walked into the rain and saw the figure walking away. So I did the smartest thing in the world.

I followed them.

They began to walk faster as I did too.

My hair was probably a mess as I was almost freezing to my death.

This was practically a death wish.

I walked slower as I reached a "town" that looked like something straight out of a movie. There were lights that illuminated my face. A red neon sign that said pie. It was a nice place. A coffee shop right next to the pie shop.

I continued walking. I didn't see where I was going because I was so amazed.

I looked around to find no one with a black hoodie just couples walking around with umbrellas which made me smile.

Until I felt someone pull me into an alley way. I yelped but they covered my mouth immediately.

"Y/N calm down it's just me." The voice said sweetly.

My heartbeat was now normal.

They took their hand away from my mouth.

"Dan?" I moved my hand up to the hood of his hoodie and pulled it down.

He stayed quiete for a few seconds but then spoke.

"You look really cold." He sighed.

"Yeah I am." I giggled and then I remembered the fight. That stupid fight we had.

I shifted uncomfortably and removed my hand from his neck.

"Do you want my hoodie? We can go inside and talk." He pointed to a bookstore with a cafe inside.

"Um, thanks but I'm gonna have to decline. I'm really cold and I just want to go home and study." I put my hands on my arms.

"Oh. Okay. I'll drive you home then. My car is right over there. He pointed to the black BMW.

"No it's fine. I can walk home. It's only like a 15 minute walk." I shrugged.

"Are you sure? I don't want anyone to hurt you." He smiled kindly.

"Really? Dan I said I'm fine. Goodbye." My voice was shaky.

I walked out of the alleyway and began to walk away.

He said he didn't want anyone to hurt me but there he was. The only person who has hurt me the most.

I watched him walk over to his car and drive off.

"Oh shit I left my car in the parking lot." I mentally face palmed.
I drove home.

Finally I was warm. Eating a waffle. Doing homework.

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