Ten: Gone

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Bucky's HYDRA senses are tingling.

Ha, just wanted an excuse to use that.

His footsteps are lighter than air as he ushers me up the stairs, Everest's animal instincts seeming to kick in whilst he does so, for the large Bernese Mountain dog trails behind us instead of barking in warning alongside Lady. Rather than disappear into his own room to ready himself, tenacious, capable hands and arms haul me into my own still pretty decimated bedroom, my protesting non-existent against his domineering guidance.

The cool metal and warm flesh grips leave my bare arms, and all I do is blink before he has rushed to the window to peer ever so precariously around the blinds. Grave and grim is the face he wears, all the years of training, horror and experience catching up with him. It's some time since I've seen him like this, and whilst yes, that look makes me want to duck and run for cover should it be pointed at me, it more so just makes me... sad. Sad because I thought him safe here, safe and hidden from HYDRA and its beastly claws. I have lasted five years here without detection, and yet the moment I extend secrecy to him, HYDRA just had to find us.

Turn them all into frogs I will.

There I go, channelling my inner Yoda.

"They're surrounding the house," he speaks, and like every time he does so, it is so low and yet so clearly heard. The bright light of the full moon peeks through the sliver of the blinds he's staring through; reflecting off his eyes like it would off water. "Pack everything you need. You have two minutes."

My eyes nearly bulge from my head, standing ramrod still but allowing my gaze to follow him out my room where he disappears into his own room down the hall. I would call after him, but we're talking in hushed whispers for a reason. "Stupid HYDRA," I grumble, though it can barely be called a grumble. Too much fear has grasped my tongue for it to sound like complaint instead of a cry for help.

I almost trip over Everest several times as I pack my emergency large duffel pack, filling it with basic clothes and essentials, after I have packed everything magical and witchy into it. Don't need HYDRA getting their hands on any of this, I muse to myself, rather panicky, as I pack. Especially my heirlooms. Hhm... actually...

Bucky briskly strides back into my room, his own bag drawn over his shoulders, fully dressed, and with my cat T'Challa in his arms. "Done?"

"Almost," I squeak in reply, feeling like a chicken running around without its head. I'm terrified, terrified I tell you. But not as much as they're about to be.... Wow that sounded sinister. Wasn't meant to sound sinister! "I have an idea though, to buy us some time."

Those brown brows come together in the middle of his head, knotting in perplexity. Smiling meekly, my petite, scarred fingers adjust my askew glasses and slip a large black over coat on, still in pyjamas underneath. "Don't worry, worrying is my job. Yours is to look cool and confident as I do it, kay?"


Ah yes, that would be the sound of my front door being thrown off its hinges. Thanks, HYDRA. Not like I needed a front door anyway. Just welcome all the bears and cold in.

Lady is quick to enter my room, evidently deciding she doesn't feel like acting like the part of the heroic guard dog today. Seems like it's true; dogs are like their owners. Tail between legs, she retreats under Everest, the large dog tall enough for her to hide under until all signs of danger have disappeared. Zipping up my duffel bag shakily, I sling the strap of the bag over my head and onto my opposite shoulder, swiping my witch's staff and Pandora's Box from my bed with haste.

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