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Lottie Tomlinson
Hi, Serena

Serena Stan
Lottie? Long time no talk.
How are you? How's Fizzy
and the twins?

Lottie Tomlinson
We're good, we're all good. We
miss the hell out of you.

Serena Stan
I miss you guys too! I hate that
I don't get to see you guys as often
as I used to

Lottie Tomlinson
We know, and we feel the same.
I'm hoping one day we can come
see you or you can come see us. I
just hope what happened between
you and Louis doesn't effect how you
feel about us

Serena Stan
Of course not! I love you guys!
Hopefully one day I am able to
come see you, but between filming
it'll be hard to find time

Lottie Tomlinson
I understand. But I was just texting
to let you know how happy I am
for you and Tom. He seems like a
really sweet guy, and I just really
hope he makes you happy the way
you deserve to be.

Serena Stan
Thank you so much, Lottie.
And yes, he does make me happy

Lottie Tomlinson
I'm so glad. You deserve to be happy

Serena Stan
Thank you 💙

Lottie Tomlinson
I know Louis feels the same
I know he feels terrible about
what happened with you two, so I
can only imagine he wants you to
be happy

Serena Stan
I know, and I hope he and Eleanor
are happy as well. I truly mean that

Lottie Tomlinson
I'll tell him that, but I'll let you
go. I'm sure you're pretty busy

Serena Stan
Yes, but don't be a stranger! Text me
or call me any time, okay? The same
goes for the rest of the girl's and Ernie

Lottie Tomlinson
Of course! We'll talk soon, okay?

Serena Stan
Of course, baby!

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