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Yuuie, a rather large island, a Kingdom in the south in shaped of a crecent moon located in the middle of the sea. The kingdom was known to be an island pf sorcery considering that there were unknown creatures in the island and few humans born with power or terrifying characteristic. Yet what seems unnatural within the island later became accepted and natural.

The country was eventually targetted by those larger ones, the humans within it costing high when it comes to Slavery along with the creatures it offers.

There was once that the country was in the breach of falling...

Hisashi Midoriya felt like a coward as he abandoned his duty as a knight to save his family. Yet it was expected, him being a knight for his family than for his country, he felt it was similar to betrayal.

But what was the point of defending the country if his family dies? He couldn't just accept something like that just easily.

He fought knights from the foreign country from the left to right, single handedly killing them as he frantically search for his daughter. His eyes felt hot, his heart was racing fast, more worried of her daughter than his self although he was in the middle of hundreds of foes.

His feat, however remarkable, meant nothing to him as he keeps looking for his daughter. She was his and his wife's treasure, more precious than emerald which was often compared to her, she was nothing compared to that piece of stone.

"Izuku!" He screamed, stabbing and slashing enemies all around him, taking their weapons, throwing it back at them taking men down in a matter of seconds. He does deserve the title of being one of the most powerful knights in the kingdon.

Because all alone, tiredlessly, he took a hundred of men already saving more lives in return.

Yet he desires no one's death and one life only matters to him now...

"IZUKU!" He screamed, hoping to hear a cry of response yet he got nothing.

He continued his search.


Izuku was merely wandering around with her mother when the attack came. During the evacuation she found herself sepparated with her mother. The next thing that happened after she fainted because of a head injury she woke up covered with hay as everything around her felt hot.

She found herself in a barely burned mansion as the war went on. Someone was probably kind enough to at least hide her inside the mansion and covered her with hay. Although the hay should have look suspecious with a marble made mansion.

She's still thankful whoever did it.

She stood out from the pile of hay, looking around dead worried of her mother. She saw a bow and arrow, place within the mansion as a design. Without hesitation, she pushed a table, climbe over it and took the arrow and the bow.

This was his father's fault... Ever since she was seven she had always been interested with archery, as a daughter of a knight it was expected.

She climbe up the mansion's stairs, wobdering if she could probably see ger parents from up there yet she saw no one but a man with blonde hair, wearing a crown and the crest of Yuuie fighting agains a man with a snake like crest.

Her heart raced wildly when one man of her homeland fell, the enemy laughing.

It was Yuuie's current king and enemy leader, probably the king of the country they are up againts. Knowing that their King was in danger she chose to make an immediate action, nervously, hesitantly but she just needed to do something.

She drew her bow and arrow, shutting her right eye to draw a better shoot as her graceful hand let go of the feather over the tip.

Hitting the King of the enemy over the head.

Izuku never felt horrofied her entire life.

She just murdered a man.

The enemies were left frozen at the death of their king, later walking backward as more knights came to assist his majesty.

She sighed in relief, hugging her weapon before turning around only for him to see a knight of an enemy country holding a sword, glaring at her.

The knight angrily ran toward her, as she threw the bow away holding an arrow over her hand. The knight swung his sword toward her only for her to duck, the sword impaling itself over the window frame making it almost imposible to pull. While he was busy, she stab his foot with her arrow.

He groaned aloud as Izuku scrambled pass him.

"Curse you!" The knight screamed abandoning his sword. Chasing after the girl, what she did might have been an act of bravery but she was just scared. She was scared of death...

Of all the situations, she trip because pf her gown. This was the main reason why she hates gowns,

She groaned, her anckle hurting badly as she doubts that she can stand up any minute now.

She heard footsteps behind her as her heart was racing faster. The knight, already with his sword, still glaring at her.

Fear pervaded her heart.

"Mama! Papa!" She screamed aloud trembling as she braced herself of what awaits her. She shut her eyes tight yet the pain did not comeas she heard a thud.

She slowly opened her eyes, the knight laying in front of her, three arrows over his chest.

She quickly turned her head to look behind her seeing a knight with jet black hair wearing rectangular glasses holding an arrow.

"Are you alright?" The knight asks, walking toward the scared girl. She nodded hesitantly, still trembling as the knight smiled at her.

"It's alright now... Come on..." He assured, gesturing the girl to climbe his back. She did, with defficulty as she was still trembling because of fear.

"I was told to find out who saved our King's life." He uttered, as the girl snapped back into reality.

"Admittingly I didn't expect it to be you... But what you did was extraordinarily brave." She smiled at herself at the thought, the knight cheering her up a bit.

"Do you think I could be a knight in the near future?" She asks hesitantly as the Knight blink.

"We would be honored to have you." Eventually after Nights Eye brought the girl to their King, he was surprised that the King gave her his sword. Thankful to her as she after all, saved his life.

Eventually Hisashi arrived to pick her up, asking forgiveness for his action, eventually pardoned because of his daughter.

The war finally ending.

"Nights Eye." The king uttered as they were retreating back to their Kingdom.

"Yes your majesty?"

"I want that girl to be the next queen." That cought the knights offguard.

"Whoever the king may be, might be a problem." As he uttered that, two boys, at the age of 12, the same age as the girl bowed before him, faces stained with blood. One pocessing fiery red eyes while the other pocess heterochramatic eyes of blue and grey pocessing nothing but coldness.

There was no warmth in them like her emerald ones.

"None of them is worthy of her."

Neither  Worthy: (MHA/BNHA Fem!Deku Fanfict)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon