Order XIX: To Solve

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In three days, Haru was already twice my size. He and Shiro seemed to get along as Shiro used to play him when he was still little, and they still do the two even sleeping together. They're so cute.

"I can't believe that I got to go back to the castle tomorrow." I uttered, leaning over Haru's stomach, his feather covered wings covering me as he sleeps. His wings were bird like unlike Drake and Yuki's batlike wings.

"Everything comes to an end, you can still visit here once in a while." I doubt I'll be able to sleep here anymore though. Probably seeing that I look down, dad ruffled my hair.

"Your mother used to be a noble, she can gain a position as a minister. Asfor me, the knights has been trying to get me back. I can be a general so we can stay by your side." I'm torn between thankyou and you don't have to. But I need them, I really need them so badly by my side now.

"I--- dad you---"

"No, this is my decesion as a knight not as your father. I will pay the cowardice I did last time than running away from it." I don't know why I felt like crying, I went to hug him as he laugh, surprisingly, Haru pulled us toward him as well as if wanting to join the hug.

I and dad laugh, as Haru then refuse to let us go. Yet we were disturb by a horse galloping toward our direction.

I stood up as Haru finally let me, surprised that beyond the bushes and trees came a brown horse, with Iida-san and Uraraka-san over it.

"Your highness!" Uraraka jump off the horse first as she ran toward me. She looks line she's panicking and in a hurry.


"His highness Toshinori!" She breath out later gasping for air as my guts are already telling me that something is terribly wrong within the castle.

"What's going on? What's happening with the old man?" Kacchan ask probably noticing their arrival as he and Shouto already look bothered.

"He fained last night and he hadn't woken up... The physicians said that his condition is getting worse." Iida continued in her stead.

"You three are needed in the castle immediately."


I walk right up ahead getting worried of the king as the two heirs were following. I find it rude actually to walk ahead of the two, but I am the future queen after all. It couldn't be helped.

"Yaoyorozo-san!" I uttered almost aloud seeing her by the twin door of his highness' room. She bowed a bit, as I grew more worried for some reason.

"How's his highness?" I didn't want to know, I'm scared to even know but I have to.

"He's getting worse." My heart sank ad the guard opened the door for us.

The king, was beyond recognizable. He was skin and bones, and the only thing that was similar to him back then and now was the color of his hair.

The tears suddenly fell when he turned his head, his bright saphire orbs meeting mine. It felt like seeing my own dad dying when he force a smile and held his hand out like he was calling me.

"Y-your majesty..." I breath out, my voice shaking as I walk toward him, I fell on my knees by the bed as he weakly ruffled my hsir, pulling me close to him.

My heart is aching too much.

"Lass." I was a sobbing mess already seeing duch drastic change.

"I'm sorry." I didn't know why he was apologizing but it just hurt seeing him. I have always look up to him, he was my father in the castle.

He's so important to me...

This is just cruel....


"Your Highness." I turned my head to meet the ministry before me, some knights along with them. I stop on my tracks, facing them, determined to look strong before them in times like this.

His highness Toshinori wouldn't be feeling well much sooner.

However... The heirs are nowhere near the proper age.

I'm nervous of the ministry's decesions.

"With the current situation of the king, I know that this would be too much for you..." Midnight uttered, bowing a bit looking frustrated and troubled.

"But with the King no longer capable of dullfilling his duties..." She paused a bit, hesitant to whatever she is about to tell me.

"Go on." I uttered, although I fear myself what they are aboutnto tell me.

"The Kingdom might need your devesion as soon as possible." My stomach felt like it went upside down.

I already have a decesion.



"I'll think about it. I won't leave you hanging I swear." They bowed as I turned my back on them. My eyes felt hot from the moment I turned my head.

I can't do this at all...

My pace grew faster in walking, wanting to hide, wanting to run away.

I can't... I can't...

My breathing is growing frantic, as I clutch unto my chest the tears threatening to fall.

This hurts..

I bump unto someone.

"Hey." That voice sounds so familiar. I hate that voice.

"Izuku?" Why does it have to be Shouto of all people?!

"Are you okay?" I'm not.

"I'm fine." Don't lift your head, don't lift your head. He'll try to find out, he'll find out.

I tried to walk pass him but when I was a feet away he grab me by the arm.

"Izuku---" I wipe my tears away from the moment our eyes met.

I pulled my arm from his grip by then.

"I'm sorry." I ran away from him. I want to run away from him.

Why did I have to be chosen? Why do I have to be the queen? Why do I have to do things that are right?

I want to choose something for mysekf, to be selfish for a second, I could be.

But what it leads will always be terrible.

Neither  Worthy: (MHA/BNHA Fem!Deku Fanfict)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang