Order XXXI: To Plan

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"I'm still figuring out how to clean Shouto's name so that he could be the king." I uttered, muttering a lot of things but every time I conclude things it goes to waste as it is either stupid or useless.

The fact that I don't know how he is, is making me worried.

"And you?" Kacchan asked while I already failed to consider myself. I already stopped considering myself from the moment I was chosen.

Considering my feelings for  him even.

"I don't mind going to jail." Kacchan looks horrofied at my statement. I really don't, I deserve it.

"What? Shouto could easily pardon you for self defence!"

"Hey, I created the law of equality among EVERYONE. It would be stupid if I don't follow it." I reasoned out as he stared at me in desbelief. There was silent for a second, waiting for him to break the silence.

"You really love half ass do you." My heart sank hearing him utter that out of the blue. I turned my head to look at him, his eyes looking sorrowful as he stare at the dirt ubderneath his foot.

I don't.

"We both love you to." He said, as I bit my lower lip staring unto my foot. How many times have I thought of saying tbat I love him? How many tines have I tried to stop myself? I love him. I love him. I need him so badly to know but I shouldn't.

Not to me... He can't be with me.

"Anyway, we should really investigate what's going on with the King and Shinsuo-kun. When we over throw Shigaraki, I'll turn myself in so Shouto could be the king again." I uttered, standing up looking around relieved that we're at Demarie.

"You know that I won't agree to that." Kacchan uttered as I turned my head to meet Kacchan's red eyes.

"I killed someone."

"You killed a pirate to."

"Well he was a pirate."

"Well he almost raped you." My face burned red. No one has directly said it that way, but I should get used to it.

"It's not considered as a crime. You were defending yourself." He said, obviously trying to convince me. But I don't want to be convinced.

"I'm never letting you." He said, as the wind grew stronger.

Just as I was to ask what was going the on, it felt like a tornado, I shut my eyes, the wind getting unbearable but by the time I opened my eyes I saw Drake flying further from the island.

"Kacchan!" I screamed, knowing I can't get out of this island without him. Hell, isn't this similar to imprisonment?! No one can visit me to!

"Kacchan!" I screamed all over again as they vanished through the fogs. I bit my lower lip, not knowing what to do.

Damn it!

"Haru..." I muttered, remembering my dragon. I look around whistling, calling for the emerald dragon.

"Haru!" I screamed later hearing a roar, I smiled already knowing my way out.

Kacchan's not that smart after all.


By the time I came back to Yuuie, I was sneaking around until I found the empty storage room. I colored my hair temperorarily black as I manage to find where the clothes of male servants were.

It took me a while to figure out what to do with my chest though, since the clothes won't fit.

I sighed, looking over the mirror seeing that my hair is too long. I brushed my hair with my fingers, remembering how long it took for me to make it long. Mom took care of it most of the time to.

I bit my lower lip, taking a blade from my pocket, shaking and hesitant, I started cutting it down.

"I'll make you grow long again I promise." I muttered to myself, holding unto the strands of hair I had cut already.

Dropping them, I hid the blade wanting to hold unto my sword instead.

By the time I walk out of the storage room, however I didn't think I'd see anything as horrofying.

I saw Dabi walking with Shigaraki as I quickly hid wherever I could. Behind a giant vase along the hall of all pmaced.

Dabi's alive...

He's alive...

My hands were shaking, eyes feeling hot as I used my left hand to hold unto my right. I couldn't stop shaking in fear for some reason as I began to remember how his hands felt all over me.

I bit my lower lip, as it was starting to tremble again. I've never been this scared my entire life...

"You shouldn't walk around carelessly, the kingdom thinks that you're dead." Shigaraki uttered, as Dabi merely chuckled at his statement.

"And look how it benefitted you. The king's accussed of treason for letting the queen escape, and the queen is nowhere to be found. The only problem now is the other heir." My orbs widen hearing that. Kacchan? What will they do to Kacchan?

"The ministry keeps on insisting of giving him the crown. But he'll be gone eventually." Shigaraki smiled. "That boy, is inlove with the queen. So we should really find her as soon as possible."

"We can used her againts Katsuki." Like hell I'll let you.

"Shame though, I didn't get to touch her that long." Damn you, you annoying pervert.

"You can have her once we find her." I'd rather kill myself by then. There's no way I'm letting these guys makes me feel so ruined and humiliated again.

Never are they going to ruin anyone else's life. I watched them leave the place and when I was about to walk and perhaps follow them somebody suddenly covered my mouth.

My heart started racing wildly, as I squirmed from the firm grip. I couldn't hear anything because of how much I'm panicking, I managed, and unfortunately elbowed the one behind me.

I then saw a mop of purplish blue hair.

"Sh-shinsuo-kun!" I quickly went to assist him. Somehow glad of the unfolding events.

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