Episode 3-The first battle together

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Sorry guys for not updating. I completed the first 3 parts in one day sooo... yeah. Anyways, on with the episode!👉🏻
" You know that we study at Alphea, right? Since i study there, as you know. Anyways, our headmistress told us to come to Sunny Bay to get a new form, animalix. She also sent us here to help you guys to defeat Gramorr, as well as to defeat our old enemies, the wizards of the black circle. We believe that they have sided with Gramorr, and that you guys have met them. Did you figt them already? " Dash explained.
" Yeah, we met them alright. Plus, every time we meet, we always end in defeat. We also kinda figured that they were from your world since they had the same kind of magic you had, just... it was dark magic and very strong. Those newbies... i'm really mad now. We usually are able to defeat the twins even if they were more stronger than us. There's something about them that i can't quite put my finger on... " Talia replied, thoughtful and frustrated at the same time.
" Why don't we go back to my house to discuss this some more? I'm sure that Aunt Ellen will be pleased to see you again, Dash. You guys can stay there too, since we still have a lot of space. " Iris suggested. " That's a great idea, Iris. Besides, i want to meet your Aunt Ellen too. " Bloom smiled. " Then it's decided. We will stay at Iris's house. But first, let's grab our luggage which is at the hotel. " Dash said happily.

~~~~~~~ Time skip to Iris's house~~~~~~~~~~~~

" We're home. " Iris, Talia, Auriana, Carissa and Lyna chorused. " Pardon our intrusion. " The Winx and the specialists chorused as well. " Ah, welcome home, girls. Oh, you brought visitors? Well, come on in. " A voice said. Everyone turn to the direction of the sound and saw a woman standing at the entrance. " Aunt Ellen! I ... i mean we, brought you a surprise. Do you remember Dash? Well, she's back, and with some of her friends too! " Iris exclaimed, pushing Dash forward. Aunt Ellen and Dash hugged.
Iris, Talia, Auriana, Carissa and Lyna showed the Winx and the specialists to their rooms. Dash and the rest of the Winx shared Dash's old room while the specialists took the room beside the Winx's room. They then sat down with Lolirock, Carissa and Lyna to discuss about Gramorr and the wizards of the black circle.
As they were discussing, they suddenly heard a loud crashing sound coming from outside. " Come on, let's go check it out! " Musa exclaimed, rising to her feet. The Winx, specialists and princesses ran outside to see what was the commotion about. " It's them! The wizards of the black circle are back! And that's not all, look over there! It's Praxina and Mephisto! " Auriana exclaimed in surprise. " Who's Praxina and Mephisto? " Aisha asked. " No time for questions. Let's transform, and fast! " Dash exclaimed.
" Magic Winx, Bloomix! "
" Iris, princess of Ephidia! "
" Talia, princess of Xeris! "
" Auriana, princess of Volta! "
" Carissa, princess of Calix! "
" Lyna, princess of Borealis! "

The Winx and the princesses transformed into their fairy form and magic dresses." Oh look what we have here boys, look who came here to play. It's those pesky little fairies, the Winx. " Ogron smirked and scowled at the same time. " Look Prax, its those annoying princesses. They came to play with us. Oh and look, its their friend Dash... and someone who looks like her? " Mephisto asked and smirked." Quit your stupidness, its obvious that they are twins! "Praxina yelled at Mephisto. "Amaru, the arena! " Iris shouted. Amaru nodded and clapped his paws together. The Winx, specialists and the princesses appeared in the arena along with the wizards of the black circle and the twins. "It's time to end this guys! " Dash shouted and they all charged at each other.

Once again, sorry for updating so late. I was busy so... yeah. Anyway, i hope you enjoyed the story so far!

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