the guy who changed it all (1)

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This is the first time I have actually written something. I mean I did try to write a different story, its still there in some notebook. But this one's like my first real attempt. So I just posted it here.

Just let me know if you guys like it. I hope you do :)

Sometimes I wish I could just end it all. Put a full stop. Or atleast stop it for a while.

I dont know what I was expecting. Maybe something better, something more. Whatever it is, I am not exactly dissatisfied. I mean its not like I don't have fun.

I do. Its just that soemtimes I wish I could back to my old life. Not feel so wound up all the time.

The main reason why I had chanegd schools was to escape.

Escape from a best friend who was totally obsessed with her boyfriend. Friends who were so much into themselves that they didnt even say "Hey" anymore.

People who could think of nothing but cheap gossip. A guy who ditched me for some other girl who in turn ran away with a tattoo maker.

So, I came to this very expensive Private school which was quite new so I had no issues about being the "new kid". Only later of course, did I come to know of the very little admissions they had - 15 children in all. And we were supposed to act like a normal school. Yeah Right.

Add to it the rigorous syllabus we were asked to follow and the finals in just six months. Life sucked. I entered major depression but finally grew out of it. I managed pretty well, what with making a decent number of friends (as if I had much of a choice).

Sheena turned out to be quite a nice friend, being a tad too hyper at times and hugely insecure about her appearance.

We eventually bonded up with the guys in the class - Harry, Zack and Joel who by the way, are quite fun.

There's Harry, the Potter lookalike with his weird accent and stupid sense of humour. Joel is the typical athlete and kind of obsessed with his chest. Ew, I know. And Zack, well he's the funniest guy around. He actually looks like one of those stand up comedians with his fat tummy and huge eyes.

There's Gretchen too, miss genius, always getting good grades, never talking in class and stuff like that. Somehow, all my friends are scared of her. Her athletic built and height aren't much help. But we get along just fine.

Right now, I am sitting in my car with the sun glaring in my eyes, an hour late for school, stuck on the higway with a flat tyre. I had an important Physics test today and I missed it so now I am deciding between going back to home or hang out in the nearest mall. Apparently, mom wants to take us to the mall, so I reluctantly

agree, still in my hideous school uniform. The only thing which drags me to a mall is books. The bookstore is like a safe haven, no worries nothing, just these wonderful words written all over papers with their amazing smell. I made my way to the romance section and bought two books. Mom got us some ice-cream and chaat. I dropped some of it on my dress, muttered a "shit", and was making my way towards the restroom when all of a sudden my phone rang. The caller-ID read "Harry" and I was immidiately surprised because a) we barely talked b) we had hardly completed a week in school and I dont think he even had my number.

I picked up his call.

And that's when everything changed.

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