The guy who changed it all (4)

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I reached the stairs, busy texting a friend, oblivious to the conversation around me. The upper staircase lead to the hostel (where Harry stayed) and the lower one took us to the exit. Anxious to leave, I starting climbing down, my nose still buried in the phone when I heard Harry yell something and a lot of giggling from Sheena. I think it sounded something like "I have a crush on you..". Why would he shout from the top of stairs?

Sure, that I was mistaken, I asked him "Sorry, what? I wasn't paying attention"

Like a madman, he yelled again "I said I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU!"

Wow, he is nuts.

"Oh. How sweet is that. I better go now. Bye" I muttered, trying to escape.

"WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?" He shouted insanely and ran away before I could answer. That is one weird guy.

"Aren't you goig back to Dubai?" I gave a feeble excuse but he was gone of course. Everybody knew that Harry was going back to his country, and they were all upset.

"So will you go out with the poor boy?" Sheena giggled.

"Aw, shut up" I muttered angrily, a little flustered over the whole thing.

And I thought today was going to be great.

I was going to the tailor to get my uniform altered (which is a tad too big) when my phone rang. It was Sheena.

"Suze, I gotta tell you something"

I was scared of this particular line. It always spelled bad news.

"Yeah? I asked feebly.

"Joel. He has a crush on you.

No, Oh god no.

"You are kidding right?"

"No, he just called me up. He wants me to help him so that he can know more about you. Why is everyone using me to get to you?" She complained.

"I dont know Sheena. People here are mad. I am going mad too. I need to think. I will talk to you later" witht that I hung up, contemplating the new problem at hand.

Now that I thought about it, I could recall Joel staring me and instances when would be left alone and he grew all attentive. Oh boy!

Maybe if I hinted that I wasn't interested, he would back off.

I decided to do exactly that the very next day.

"Hey there, wanna hang out at the canteen?" said Joel, during Lunch break.

Alone, with you? No chance.

"Um no, its quite crowded there"

"Oh ok. Never Mind" He muttered


The rest of the day was a blur, where I managed to attend my classes and avoid BOTH of them.

On reaching home, I got a phone call from Joel. Oh god!

"Hi Suze"

"Joel.. sup?"

"Nothing really. I think there's something you should know"

Oh no. Is he going to confess or what?

"Its about Harry. He's not a good guy, you shouldn't be going out with him"

It never occured to me that the two of them might be jealous of each other.

"Oh. Why do you say that?"

"We all went out for a movie. I asked Harry if he really was serious about you. He called you a 'time pass'. I swear Suze he said that. I dont think he deserves you"

"Oh, Its OK Zack. I wasnt going out with him anyway. I will talk to you later. Bye"

Harry thinks I am a time pass?

I know I haven't considered him on the matter, except to say outright NO but it was somewhat... insulting to think he would take me so lightly.

Wasn't he being all crazy in "love" when he yelled at the staircase?

I admit I am little flattered with all the attention I am geting. I am human after all. But that doesn't mean I am happy about it.

I had to find out whether Joel was telling the truth or just lying out of jealousy.

I decided to ask Harry about it. But before that I had to tell Sheena.

"I am sure that Joel is lying! Hes a liar." She defended Harry. She was prejudiced ofcourse. They both had grown into 'best friends' what with she playing the mediator and he the lovesick boy.

"We will ask Harry tomorrow" I said.

What the hell is going on? I felt angry and frustrated. I almost cried. Almost.

Are they playing some sort of game and laughing behind my back?

I am going to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2010 ⏰

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