The Guy who changed it all (3)

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It's going to be fine. Don't worry. Breathe. I told myself, making my way towards my building.

I always reached school early than the rest of the class because my bus driver was way too punctual. Huh.

I pushed the home room door, afraid that Harry might be sitting there. Good, no sign of him.

I dumped my bag on the table and decided to stand in one of those beautiful balconies and see the school fill up. Our private school was a part of another public school. Both ran under the same name. But we got more luxuries or something like that. So the campus was usually full. It's just out building that had less students. During lunch, I liked going to the canteen where we talked to the students from the public school. Complicated, I know.

Just as I pushed the door, I banged into someone. And that someone was Harry. Yikes!

He had his earphones on and was just as shocked. I waved to him, struggling to smile. He smiled back and went in. Seeing it as a chance, I escaped and locked myself in a balcony. Whew! That was close. Thankfully, he didn't knock, instead he just moved about the corridor.

After a while, I heard Sheena outside and quickly opened the door. She grabbed me by my shoulders and yelled "Omigosh, how was it? You people talked? I am SO excited!" Unfortunately, I didn't share the enthusiasm. "Um... We banged outside the classroom and I escaped"

"Oh that was bad" she muttered and we both went in.

Harry looked at me. More like stared. Help!

We both had Biology together; I took the farthest seat possible and tried to concentrate. But how could I when he kept leaning back in his seat and tried to see me?! Uhh!!

At the end of the day, I boarded my bus, harassed and angry.

"Hey, you look... bad. What's up?" said Iris, my bus friend who lived in my colony.

"Hi, nothing really" I muttered and slumped next to her.

It was so damn hot and our bus was in the worst condition possible, the seats were torn and the windows rattled.

It took us an hour to reach home. My school was in a different city. Which was just 25 miles away from my place. But still, it sucked to travel so much.

On reaching home, I changed into a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. Just as I was to turn on my computer, the phone rang. Harry!

"Hey, Harry this side"

"Oh, um, Hi"


"Uh nothing much. Just got home"

Oh, you know I have news"

Oh god. What is he going to say?


"I am moving out of the school hostel. Guess where?"

"Where?" I asked suspiciously.

"To your city" He said.

Oh Boy. No. Does that mean we go in the same bus?

"Oh that's... that's great!"

"I know right!"

"So I gotta go right now...I will catch ya later"

"Kay, Bye"

No no no! Why is this happening?!

The next day, I talked to the bus driver.

"Hey, um do you like pick up students from Unitech?" That's the place where he's shifting.

"Ahh, no. The other bus goes there"

Thank God!

I was so relieved.

I climbed out of the bus and made my way towards the home room, happier now. No sign of Harry. Today will be good.

Unfortunately, it was quite the opposite.

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