Chapter 7

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever......
Here it is....

Chapter 7
After they went over the case one more time, Morgan and Garcia walked over to where Emily, JJ, and Spence were sitting.
"So Em, what exactly happened?"
"...this will be fun... Well as you guys know my car broke down so Hotch gave me a ride to me house. After my house we stopped by his. Beth was there and long story short we got into a fight and she punched me in the nose."
"Um Em... What was this fight about?" Asked a quite curious JJ.
"Beth thought Hotch was cheating on her with me..." Emily said almost inaudible.
"What? Emily I can't even hear you." Said a little concerned JJ.
"I said Beth thought Hotch was cheating on her with me..." She said this time loud enough for everyone to hear.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <Over by Hotch and Rossi>
"So Aaron, what in the hell happened?" Rossi asked.
Aaron thought about telling him the short story but then realized that David was a good friend so he decided to tell him the long story.
"Well as you know I was taking Em-Prentiss to her house and when we got to my house Beth was there." Hotch said waiting on Rossi to
hopefully get the hint. He didn't.
*Rossi nodded to let him know he was listening and to continue*
"Well what had happened was I got out of the car to go up and get my stuff. Beth got out as well and was greeting me when she saw Prentiss in the front seat of my car. Beth got mad and claimed I was cheating on her with Prentiss, walked over to the car and pulled her out and Beth punched her in the nose."
"My god. How pissed was Emily?"
"Very. She...uh....said some things to Beth and Beth broke up with me."
"Aaron.... What did she say?"
"...she uh said that Beth was an idiot and that she... That she wouldn't blame me for picking her anyways." Hotch recounted the event in his head wondering if Emily meant it..
"Yeah Dave?"
"Do you like her? Emily that is."
Aaron looked at Dave in a slight shock.
"I... I uh...." Hotch was stumbling along his words not sure what to say.
Dave smiled, knowing that Aaron had to like Emily by the way he was acting.
"You know.. You should tell her Aaron."
"Dave I can't. And you know it. She is my subordinate and I'm her boss. And there's the Fraternization rules at work. And Erin wouldn't be happy about that." Hotch was trying to list reasons he shouldn't tell her but the main reason was he was nervous.
"Aaron. I highly doubt that Erin would give you a hard time about it. Trust me." Dave winked at him hoping he got the hint.
"My god David. You are a 'Screw the rules' person aren't you?" Hotch smiled showing he was happy for the older man.
"Haha just promise me you'll think about it."
"Okay fine. I promise I'll think about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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