CA Fifteen: "Get Ready or Die"

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“There is no way in hell you’re going to make me go to that tour.”

I was sprawled on our couch, lazily changing channels and deciding on what to watch on television. It was already Saturday and Mandy told Dad about the contest. I didn’t tell Andrea and Yuan about it but they surely surprised me when they told me they even voted for my entry so that I could win.

What is this?  .___________.

The contest was this: you have to submit a short story that is your own work.  So basically, the winner of the contest would get on tour with One Direction. But first of all, what is the connection of a random short story and getting on tour with One Direction? o.o

Here’s the answer: it has to be a short story about One Direction. So, yeah. I have to admit, I made a One Direction short story for Mandy. I was forced, though. In Mandy’s school, she’s a member of a One Direction fan club. In order to get in that club, you have to submit a poem/drawing/video/story about One Direction to see if you’re really dedicated. Since Mandy doesn’t have any skill in any of those, she asked me to do a short story.

Maybe I’m a bit of a writer but I don’t do fan fictions. But since she told me she’d give me fifty bucks if ever she gets in the club so why not?

The story was mainly about Mandy meeting each member in different places. Don’t look at me like that, she provided the descriptions about the boys and she was the one who told me the plot.

That time, I wasn’t really paying attention to boy bands so I didn’t even much care if the story I wrote was good or not. Eventually, it turned out to be a good story.

“But I thought you wanted to be with One Direction,” Mandy whined. I sat up and looked at her incredulously.

“Er—excuse me, aren’t you the Directioner in this family?”

She shrugged. “Well I was kind of guilty for taking credit of your story a while back so this is sort of like a ‘sorry-for-taking-credit-of-your-story-gift’?”

I grunted and looked at Dad who was stifling a laugh. “What are you laughing at?”

“I don’t know, hun,” He started with a smile. “You don’t have to make a fuss about this. You don’t need to go if you don’t want to. You already know that.”

My face started to turn red. He’s right. Why am I making this such a big problem?

Mandy snickered. “Oh, Dad. You know she wants to come. Besides, I can tell. She really misses her Zayn.” I grabbed the pillow beside me and aimed it at Mandy. It landed on her face perfectly. I laughed menacingly. She picked up the pillow and glared at me. “Can’t you just say thank you? I did you a pretty darn good favour—“

“Okay, girls. Chill.” I gave that a weird look. Him saying chill? That’s new. “Mandy, go to your room,” he commanded. Mandy threw the pillow at me but I dodged it, giving her a full smirk. She rolled her eyes and stormed upstairs.

Dad sat beside me and patted my hair. “Madi, what’s the real problem?” he asked softly. I sighed. Why does he have to see through me everytime?

Honestly, I didn’t really mind Mandy entering my name and my story in that contest. In fact, I’m actually really flattered and thrilled. I can seriously even kiss her right now, on the cheek. However, the fact that I have a co-winner is the thing that’s been bothering me. Of course, Dad didn’t know about that and I’m not going to tell him. Even if Mandy asked my permission to join that contest, I really didn’t expect me to win it.

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