Chapter 5

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You wondered what would happen and if this beast was just a ploy to make you scared. You couldn't just sit there and wait for something to happen. You just had to do something to benefit yourself.
You looked around the room hoping to find something that will help you unlock both doors. You weren't very familiar with everything but you knew that if you were to continue down the hallway you could come upon another door that could lead you to the outside world.

After a few minutes of searching you found a bolt. You thought that maybe it could help unlock the door. You quickly tried forcing the lock to unlock. Your fingers and hands soon became raw from the scratches of the rusty bolt. Tears streamed down your eyes as you knew every minute spent trying to get this lock open was a minute closer to dying.

You heard the lock click as it unlocked. Your heart stopped as you opened the door to the other side. No one was there so you still had time. You went over to the second door, but it was locked as well. You panicked as you realized that you didn't have time to try pick the lock again. You had to find a key to unlock the door with.

You quickly thought of the computer that you had seen. You went over to the old monitor and tried sending an email or accessing the internet. But you only got a pop up saying there was no internet connection. You looked at video files of these different personalities. You watched a few before moving onto another one. You stopped at Barry's and let it play while you looked around the room for anything. You went through filing cabinets and drawers.

"And that concludes my Monday. Ciao."

You had seen that Barry got a ring of keys from the clothing rack. You retraced what he had did and found the ring of keys behind the beanie.

You tried every key to unlock the door until you got through. You went into the room with books and things. The other door was locked as well but you quickly went through the different keys. Your hands shake as you heard the sound of a metal door opening near you.

Loud breathing was heard at the doorway behind you as well. It sounded like an animal of some sort. You looked back to see the beast. You quickly turned back and went through the keys again. Tears stared to fall down your face again and your hands shook even more.

Finally the door opened and you raced down the hallway you once ran down before. You didn't hear anyone behind you which was good since you knew that this beast could easily outrun you.

You passed the row of lockers and continued down the hall. You got to a metal fence which you had to figure out on how to unlock. You lifted up the pipe and opened up the metal fence before you were slammed on the floor. You screamed as he started to drag you by your shirt, tearing it. His nails dug into your calf feeling the blood trickle down on the side of your calf.

You cried in pain as you tried to disorientate him by kicking. He had let you got for a brief moment and you quickly stood up and closed the metal fence on him. Continuing to run, but slowing down due to the scratches that were now on your calf.

"Stop running Casey. You can't escape us," he called out. His voice echoing. You came upon a dead end where you struggled to find a place where you could run to.
"You impures think that you can do whatever you want. But that doesn't work over here."

You saw his figure climb up onto the ceiling breaking  out the light bulbs. You circled the dead end pounding on the other metal gate hoping that someone could hear you. More tears escaped your eyes as more blood trickled down your leg. He had gotten closer to you. You couldn't see where he was although you knew every time he got closer to you another light broke.

There was no other way out than running back down the hall, but you didn't have time to think. You just ran back. Using up all of your energy you sprinted down the hallway. Unsure if you had past him yet. You saw his shadow on the ceiling again and you tried to dodge him but his hand had gotten a hold of your shirt, ripping it even more you had been thrown back from the force. You whimpered as you tried to pick yourself back up from the ground, only feeling a sharp pain in your back.

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