Chapter 6 (Genevieve)

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That was fun. I fought with Mr. Garrett, my supposed mate I guess, and I actually won. Then I fought with Taylor who I guess is a true alpha. I guess if I understood correctly I am too. Don't know what that means, but it sounds cool enough.

I walk into my forth period and take the only empty seat left. It's in the back of the class.

"Hey! My name's Baily! What's your name?" A girl with blonde hair and green eyes asked.

"Piper." I state plainly.

"No it isn't. I can sense lies. It's my special power. I'm a truthseer."

"Baily, switch me seats will ya? James is flirting with me again and you know I can't stand him."

"Fine Jay."

"Thanks!" Then Baily walks off and Jay takes her place.

"I'm glad I have the ability to make everything I say seem as if it's true, even with those nasty truthseers. Comes with being a caster. Also you're welcome," The girl, Jay said.

"Thank you," I mumble not sure what just happened.

"Honestly? No problem. We all have secrets we must hide. I get your names not Piper and you have your reasons for not telling people your real name. You're powerful, that was made clear in Swords and Claws last period. You're new and beat Mr. Garrett and they say he's the only one to have survived the attack on the faerie castle fifteen years ago."

"Yeah, I heard about that attack. Though they don't know what happened to the Princess."

"Genevieve, the Princess, that was her name, or so I'm told. They say she had a head full of fiery red hair, even as a baby. Too bad she died. Or so many assume. Actually your hair looks quite a bit like I imagine hers would. Not that I care. Faeries and Casters don't normally get along very well. I tend to avoid faeries as best I can," Jay said, she seemed to be rambling a bit. I wonder what she'd say if she knew I was supposedly this faerie Princess that everyone has been talking about.

"Why don't faeries and Casters get along?"

"Faeries think they're better than us and most recently, the faeries believe that Casters sent Vampires after the King and Queen, or more so, after the Princess. Which is not true."

"How are you so sure? You would have been only a baby at the time of the attack."

"I can see into the past. The Vampires were sent by the King of Darkness. Now that's a scary dude. The King of Darkness isn't known to any but a few select Casters and you now. The old one's, aka the immortals over five hundred years old, they know of his last reign upon our world and they believe him to be dead since there hasn't been a sign of him in nine hundred fifty years. He controls the minds of vampires and other creatures of the dark. Hence why you won't find a vamp here at Whitmore. Well except for Sophie. Though she's only half vamp and half wolf. An odd combo if you ask me," Jay said, she rambles a ton I realize.

"So, I guess you and Taylor are true Alpha's, right?"

"So I've been told, though not sure what it means exactly," I said confused at the abrupt change in subject.

"It means you come from a very powerful pack, the AlphaBlood pack. Not only that, but you might very well be meant to be the Alpha of all Alphas. You guys are extremely powerful," Jay said in awe.

Then the bell rang. Time for lunch.

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