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I do not own Yugioh and neither does Icy.

This fiction contains horror blood and lemons (Yoai, threesome) and mentions of mental problems.


"No! No! No!" a young man screamed. "You can't make me! No!" he was struggling against the strong arms that held him. He was in the bake house of the mansion/bakery of his prison on the last two months. He and his best friends had been on vacation when they'd made the fateful decision to take the shortcut his friend, Tristan, had heard of. Through Domino City. Now.... he was the only one left. The only 'desirable' one. The last of his two friends lay chained to a table ready to be the latest ingredient in the famous meet pies this twisted family was known for. "I won't." the male sobbed trying to get as far from the offered, bloody knife as he could. "She's my friend...."

Before the boy could say any more the knife was grabbed by another and plunged into the already dead girl's heart. the young man staring blankly at her corpse while strong arms wrapped around his numb body with something wrapping around his leg one of the clawed and blood covered hands caressed his pale face smearing more blood on the already blood- soaked features. having been in this room chained up until recently and seeing all his friends cut up and diced having died already from a painless poison but the boy saw more than that. Illusions played before his eyes as ghosts of his friends clawed at his mind.
"Ssh." A voice banished his accusing friends as something thick and sweet like honey was forced down his throat. "I'll protect you Little Yami." the voice promised as the boy now named Yami calmed. "Yes." the voice said approvingly. "Yes. Good boy. You can come up now that those filthy souls are all gone. You're free now." Yami watched as the dead girl was prepared for the grinder. "Yes." he croaked. "Yes, big brother. I'll be a good boy." A blind fold covered Yami's eyes while something wet cleaned his face and hands of the blood his mind fuzzy and tired while lightly being punished onto a seat, metal clamps locked around his wrists and legs with a belt looped around his waist and chest leaving him completely immobilized.

Yami listened to the familiar sounds of cooking and the fire crackling. He didn't know why but he found he'd come to like that sound. Soon, he smelled something sweet. "The finest of the batch." giggled a voice he knew belonged to someone named Maraku. "Not too hot?" the other, Atem, asked. "Just right." confirmed Maraku. A pause."Mmmm..." Atem confirmed. "Perfect." he had tasted whatever it was. One of them, most likely Maraku, walked away. Atem came to Yami. "Open up.'' he sing-songed. Yami hesitated. Atem sighed. "Do you want to be chained up to the wall?" he growled. Yami shook his head furiously. "Then I want that hot little mouth of yours open." Yami parted his lips. "Good boy. What a nice mouth you have." Something warm and moist was put in his mouth. It tasted like a jelly filled doughnut. Raspberry. And another flavor Yami couldn't place but he chewed. "Mmmm...." he moaned in pleasure.

Yami felt a pat on his head that moved into a loving caress on the side of his face when more food was fed to him. he tried to refuse more food after a while but his big brother wasn't having no for an answer almost breaking Yami's arm making Yami learn that his brother was not one to cross. Now completely full Yami felt a hand undo his clothes easily tearing the seams when the clothing was caught on a body part. Now bare Yami squirmed in the cold chair until a pair of clean shorts were slipped on him confusing Yami. When he was clean and changed, Yami was taken upstairs. He knew he was over a broad shoulder being carried. A large hand rubbing the small of his back in a calming motion as he wore the simple shorts. He was lain on clean sheets. The room smelled nice. He smiled. His brother remembered his favorite scent: vanilla. He felt his neck encircled with a collar. A little bell charm that dangled from it was flicked. "Thank you, brother. You make me happy." he smiled. His brother liked that. He knew it. He learned fast. Yami leaned back when another body climbed on top of him pulling a blanket up to cover everything but Yami's shoulders. "Open up Yami time for your meds." Parting his lips reluctantly a thick liquid like syrup entered his mouth and down his throat with a fruity flavor while Yami scrunched up in distaste he hated the meds but he couldn't remember why instead he yawned and curled up into his brother's chest falling asleep.

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