chapter 2

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"Don't worry you don't have to call the hospital Yami here got away from our cousin and has been skipping his meds. My other cousin is the local doctor and can check him out why don't you all come inside while I put Yami to bed?" The male asked moving aside to let the group in to the living area above the bakery once they were out of sight Atem frowned at the shivering Yami now in his arms fear in his eyes weekly trying to pull away from him and run away again. Flicking the small bell around Yami's neck said teen collapsed fully into his arms the blanket slipping away from his shoulders. Scooping up the tired teen Atem carried him to their room laying the teen on the bed and easily pouring the medicine down Yami's throat seeing him relax and breathe easier than before. "When you wake a punishment for running away and skipping your meds will be carried out Yami." Yami whimpered. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, brother. Please don't hurt Yugi. I'll be good. Just don't hurt Yugi." Yami took his hand and nuzzled it against his cheek pleading. Atem shook his head bundling Yami in his arms as said person pressed on the soft human bone of Yami's legs snapping them like sticks. the hand on Yami's face covered Yami’s mouth muffling his cries of pain now unable to walk or run from what had frightened him but he couldn't remember what only that he was bored and wanted Akifa to play hide and seek with him and somehow managed to get out of the mansion on the outskirts of town running in fear through the forest staying in there for some time before coming out and finding Yugi.

Atem kissed his head. "I do this because I love you." he reminded. "Will you take your medicine and be a good boy?" Yami nodded. "Yes. Yes. I love you." Atem nodded. "Good. When you wake, your legs will be all better and we won't EVER let this happen again." Yami nodded again. "Sleep. I'll wake you for breakfast." Yami slept. Atem went downstairs. He smiled at his guests and grabbed the phone. "I expect you here in the morning. You're lucky I had one bottle left...I don't care! Do you know what could have happened?! Oh, don't worry, I know exactly how you'll repay me later. Bye." he hung up and came back. "Someone's goanna get it." Joey giggled. "Shut up." Rafael snapped. Atem noticed Yugi in his usual chair. That was fine. Yami kept it warm for him too. He looked to the other. " he ok?" the small one asked. Ah, this must be the Yugi Yami pleaded for. Oh yes! He shined brightly. Atem saw the intense golden glow no human could see. He was pure perfection and he was a mini Yami! "We'd be happy to take him to the hospital or call an ambulance."

"no need he just over taxed himself and his medication started wearing off when he was playing with our cousin somehow he got outside and was spooked and he ran into the Forest near the mansion. I'm glad you found him though he has been in the forest for a few days luckily all he has is a cut on his head and hunger pains. He's sleeping now in the spare room but I plan to take him home along with all of you to stay for the night sine Akifa usually bunkers down here. Oh, forgive me I'm Atem Sennen my twin is Yami recently adopted into our family and all of you are?" They all introduced themselves. Yugi was last. "I'm Yugi Motou. We're on our way home after a cross-country trip. We got lost.... I'm not sure where exactly. The lady at the store in town told us to come out here but we don't want to be any trouble. You seem to have your hands full."

"Mai sent you here, figures she would do that and as for being full Yami isn't that hard to handle if he is good. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get some food for Yami before we leave." Atem went back to the bakery grabbing a bag of pastries to feed Yami before they leave to the mansion. Atem instructed his brother, Bakura, to put Yami in the truck and led his guests out. They followed him in the van to the mansion hidden further in the woods. It was beautiful. The lawn was huge and well-kept with gorgeous trees lining the long drive. It was three stories and made of brick with a huge porch that wrapped around it. The inside was like a palace. Yugi remembered what was in his bag. "Can I use your bathroom?" he said staring at his reflection in the floor. It was designed to look like a mirror!

"Down the hall and first door to the left we'll be across the hall cleaning out Yami's wounds." Atem carried Yami with Yugi following into a large bathroom a tub of water waited by the other side of the room while a divided sink split into a connected bathroom. "The bathroom is just over there Yugi there is another door out if your uncomfortable coming back through here."

Yugi smiled. He went to the bathroom and pulled down his purple and red stripped leggings. He wore a long, tight dress over them. He'd find out soon if he'd be able to wear tight clothes much longer. He pulled out the test and opened the packaging. He did as instructed on the box and waited. Finally, the alarm on his phone went off. His heart pounded. Then he sank to his knees. There was a pink plus sign on the stick. Someone knocked on the door. "I'm fine!" Yugi called. His voice squeaking.

Meanwhile with Atem

Yami awoke shivering in the cold water pouting when Atem clipped his collar to the side of the tub hanging the ruined dress to be fixed on the door. Leaning away from the side Yami braced himself when Atem started to scrub him clean of the dirt and leaves while making the skin tinted pink with how hard he was pressing. Yami knew Atem was angry but not this angry as his body was thoroughly cleaned leaving his somewhat drooping spikes. Atem grabbed the shampoo and set to work lathering and massaging Yami's head of hair. Yami was inwardly wincing at how hard Atem was pulling his hair before dumping more cold water to wash out the soap making Yami look like a pouting soaking wet kitten. Yami opened his mouth only for a large pastry to enter "no you are not allowed to speak yet Tenshi." Sighing through his nose Yami ate the food when his growling stomach signaled for more.

Atem had to stand up and calm down. Ok… ok... Akifa got stupid and lost Yami. Yami obviously wasn't in the right state of mind. Mai, the dumb bleached blonde, didn't make enough medicine in time. Now the good this brought: Yami had found fresh ingredients and… and... Atem smiled. He turned to Yami and massaged gently this time. "It's ok." Yami smiled relieved. "Yami, you /are/ a good boy. You brought us a new brother. /You/ brought us a beautiful brother you get to help take care of and nurture."

A squeak from the bathroom drew Yami's attention when Yugi came out into the shower room leaving Yami perplexed on why Yugi looked spooked drawing his eyes down to Yugi's belly seeing a white glow come from it while Yugi himself was a pure golden color unlike his blood gold aura or as Mai refused to it a tainted gold meaning impure. Looking at Atem's aura Yami saw a very dark golden color causing him to wonder if he was going to be given away to Mai and Yugi will stay with the child and Atem. 'Will I still be wanted if I was completely impure or thrown aside like all the rest?' Yami wondered a hand absently scratching his arm while he was lost in though. Yugi smiled nervously and went to rejoin his friends. "I figured as much." Atem said. He turned to Yami and frowned. "Did you not hear me before? Did I not say I plan to have both of you? The child is simply a bonus. Aren't you happy? You'll get to be a mother as well now." Yami nodded. "Eat." Atem ordered. Yami obeyed until the medicine took full effect.

"I'm fine." Yugi told a concerned Tea. "Just a little sick. I'll be fine with some rest." he'd thrown the pregnancy test away confident by the time the residents here found it, he and his friends would be long gone. Tea had come to Yugi's room. It was big and fit for royalty. They chatted a little more before Tea left for her own, a little smaller and not as nice room. Yugi finally broke down and cried himself to sleep. The door opened and two figures slipped in. "You're right as always." Yami whispered. "He is perfect for us." He looked happy and content now. "He even brought us a precious baby. I'm so happy."

Yami did something unexpected by how Atem analyzed his personality Yami crawled in to the bed wrapping his arms around Yugi cuddling in with him sniffing Yugi's hair. "Até can I sleep with Yugi to night?" Yami asked his brother wanting to be closer to their new brother just like Atem wanted. Atem smiled and sat beside them. "Of course, my darling. Yami, do you think this room would make a nice nursery?" Yami smiled brightly indicating a yes. Yugi started to talk in his sleep. "No... No.... Duke... please get off... it hurts... it hurts!" he cried in his sleep.

Yami was confused on what Yugi was doing and just consoled him talking sweet nothings into Yugi's ear as said student settled down burrowing his face into Yami black silk covered chest. Yami looked up to his brother confusion written over his face "don't worry Yami, Yugi's just having a bed dream you used to have those until I started giving you you're sleeping fruit." Atem couldn't help but chuckle at the name Yami gave the red liquid medicine while the yellow one he named sun energy since Atem was the one who mostly gave it to Yami early in the morning right when the sun came up.

Atem knew what Yugi dreamed of. Knew why Yugi was pregnant. It was not his choice. The person did not have Yugi's pleasure in mind. Atem thought. Who... his eyes narrowed. The man was sleeping in his house! Well, that was fine. The dark souls tasted the sweetest after all. He brushed Yugi's hair from his face and his other hand rubbed Yami's back and bottom as he lay beside them. Yugi's baby...their baby would have a feast when it was born. Atem kissed Yami deeply. "Sleep." he said gently. Yami slept and Atem soon followed.

The next morning, Yugi woke alone but feeling great. He dressed quickly in black tights, short blue jean shorts, and a black top with long sleeves. It was designed to expose his bare shoulders and so that it buckled around his neck like a built in collar. and followed his nose to the kitchen where breakfast was being cooked. Yami sat at the huge dining table with Atem. His friends were apparently still in bed. Atem got up and pulled out a chair for Yugi. "Yugi, sit here." he offered. Yugi smiled and came over. "Thank you." he said as he sat. He turned to Yami who was drinking something amber colored that smelled sweet from a glass. "Are you feeling better?" Yugi asked him as Atem poured him a glass of the same drink. It was wonderful! Like wild, exotic fruit. Sweet yet a pleasant tang as well.

Yami wrinkled his nose when he was done with his glass of sun energy slightly bitter being almost four times the amount of his usual spoon full and it was either drink it willingly or have Atem mix it in with his food the last time that happened Yami couldn't keep anything solid down for a week. "Yes, now that big brother is taking care of me again." Yami answered happy that he wouldn't be the only one in the house having to take the meds for his ‘mental issues’ anymore. Atem set down two plates of pancakes for both boys enjoying the happy smiles and pleasant hums of delight from them both. "My friends and the professor." Yugi said. "Are they sleeping still? Our teacher's usually up at 4."

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