chapter 1

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A van made its way down a nearly deserted road at 1 am. Driving the van was a muscular blonde man with crazy sideburns. He looked like he lived in a gym or was a bodybuilder. In reality, he taught the art at Tokyo University. His small group of students were collaborating on a project and he had decided to join them to make sure they stayed on task. The blonde in the passenger seat looked like a slacker but he was amazing with a video camera. In the back was a tall silver haired man wearing an eyepatch. Maxamillion Pegasus was Rafeal's old friend and a brilliant painter. A young man with black hair flicked dice all over the van to the annoyance of everyone else. He was bugging Pegasus about a game he was planning to develop that had to do with dice and monsters. Basically a rip-off of a card game Pegasus himself was coming up with. A pretty girl named Tea....Rafeal was unsure why she was here as she was a dance student but he allowed her to come if she stayed out of the way. And then there was his favorite student taking pictures of the countryside along with his two cousins Ryou and Malik. Both were culinary students but wanted to go with their cousin and pick up new recipes while he photographed their journey. "Face it, Joey, we're lost." Yugi said lowering the camera. "You said you could read that map." He was avoiding Duke as much as he could. They had dated awhile which ended after a party. Yugi had woken up after passing out and... he shook the memory away.

"I ain't lost Yug' just following my instincts." Joey replied to his best friend having in reality lost the map in the mountain of luggage in the trunk of the van. "I saw a sign a few miles back." Ryou spoke up. "There's a town called Domino if you take the next exit. I'm sure they someone there can tell us how to get home." It had been a long two weeks and everyone was ready to put their project together for the art exhibit fast approaching. Rafeal did as instructed. The town had once been a good sized city but it seemed to have downsized in recent years. The professor pulled over at a convenience store so everyone could stretch and get snacks. "Good morning." he told the clerk. She was a beautiful woman. Blonde with a huge chest and purple, flirty eyes. She popped her bubble gum. "You lot aren't from around here, I take it." she smirked. Her name tag read "Mai".

"Nope been on da' road for two weeks Miss you know any hotels around here that could take us in fur a couple a days." Joey piped up to the woman gathering food for the group that stayed in the van. Yugi had come with Joey. He was waiting for his friend to leave so he could sneak what he came for to the counter. "All our hotels are full, honey." Mai smiled. "But..." she added seeing his face fall. "I have cousins who own the town bakery. They'd be happy to take you in as long as you need." Joey's face lit up as she wrote directions. "There you go, honey. Just turn right on Kame Lane. You can't miss the place. The wonderful smell will hit you first." she winked. "They're always making goodies." Joey thanked her. "Be right there." Yugi said. Joey left the store. Yugi went to the counter and put down his purchase. A pregnancy test. Mai cocked an eyebrow and looked Yugi up and down. "I'm half and half." Yugi said. He was used to it. His condition wasn't as rare as it once was. The woman smiled and pushed it to him. Free of charge. Yugi smiled and slipped it in his yellow bag. He rejoined his group. Along the way, there was a radio broadcast. 8 months before a group of students had vanished. they were last seen headed for a party to celebrate graduating high school. This included the son of the mayor of some town. Yamiko Aknankanon....or something. Then a report about a group of missing cheerleaders who were seen just last week. "Smell that?" Malik purred with pleasure smelling fresh baked goods. "Look out!" Pegasus cried suddenly. Rafeal slammed on brakes just as someone ran in front of the van. They stood frozen in fear. Their hair was the first thing they noticed. Spiky and in three colors. Everyone looked at Yugi who slowly opened the door and stepped out. "Hi." he called. "Are you ok? We're so sorry!" The person was taller and slender like Yugi. He was pale and it seemed, like Yugi, he favored feminine clothes judging from the form-fitting cream dress that fell to his ankles. The sleeves ended at his elbows. "Are you ok?" Yugi asked again noticing the bare feet and the wild-eyed look on the beautiful man.

Yugi then grimaced when blood dripped down from a large cut just above the other's temple. Yugi also grew more concerned when he saw this person had some kind of fever shaking and clumsily trying to get away from Yugi eyes jumping from one place to another. "Joey get a blanket a bandana and that pack of zip ties. This guy has a concussion and needs medical attention."

They wrapped the guy in a blanket and Pegasus treated the would as he had some medical knowledge. The guy kept mumbling about "them" being "dead". That frightened the group and they were reluctant to put him in the van. Yugi looked around and saw the lights of the house ahead. They could take the guy there and call an ambulance. This made the others feel better. The man seemed lost in his own world but would notice Yugi and smile. He smiles wider when Yugi told him his name. "Hell love that." Before going blank again. At the house, Yugi and Joey heard shouting inside and were hesitant to knock but there was no need. The door wrenched open and there stood a man who looked like a tanned, muscled version of the pale man. He blinked seeing Yugi but then he saw the injured man. "Yami!!" He cries sounding relieved. "You know him?" Yugi asked. "He ran in front of our van. I think he might have fallen and hurt his head. Please call the hospital..." He rambled. The man gently cut him off. He smiled as he took the man from them. Inside, he was pissed. Pissed at that damn woman for not having the promised medicine batch ready on time and pissed Akifa hadn't been watching his treasure closer while he had been in the bake house. Speaking of treasures...he looked the small version of Yami up and down. "Please call an ambulance." The little one asked as the tanned man lay the bleeding man on the sofa.
"He has a fever and is mumbling." He was sweet and worried. He was...perfect.

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