chapter 3

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"It's about five now I would guess that they are more exhausted then they have credit for." Atem said watching both eat to their fill Yugi more than Yami knowing his 'brother' would eat anything and everything he made when not mixed with the meds. "so Yugi how long do you plan to stay here in little old Domino City?" Atem asked catching Yami's interest. "We're just passing through. We were supposed to arrive at the airport later this morning and be home by this afternoon. Joey somehow packed our map, and that's how we got lost." He explained about their class project and the art exhibit. "So..." he finished. "Can you tell us which way we need to go from here to get back on track?" he asked. "We don't want to overstay our welcome."

"Hum the fastest way to the airport is to cut through town to the east side of Domino we are currently on the outskirts of the west side food district but I think your plane will be delayed for a couple of days there's this storm front coming in and it's staying, the weather report said it might get worse so the airport is shut down and all leaving or arriving planes are grounded until further notice it's why most of the hotels were full in town yesterday because of the upcoming storm. At least you all made it here before it hit and I thank you again for finding Yami he would have been caught in the storm had you not found him." Atem said sitting at the table holding Yami's hand in comfort knowing Yami hated thunderstorms. "You're very welcome. I'm glad to help. I had no idea about the storm. I'll have to call my Grandfather and tell him I'm safe. Can I use your phone? I can't get service on my cell."

"Down the hall in the living room that ringing thing is by the long chair," Yami stated a slight drawback on the meds was his vocabulary was reduced and his speech would stutter if he spoke too fast without thinking of what he was saying while blurring his memories from before his first day here. Atem pats his hand. "In the living room, dear. Besides the leather chair. It resembles a couch." Yugi nodded and went to find the phone. Atem smiled at Yami. "You'll get used to the medicine again, love. You can't skip anymore." Yami nodded. Yugi came back soon. "I couldn't reach him. He usually travels with a friend of his so he could be out of town. I enjoy taking pictures as well as painting. Would you be ok with letting me photograph or paint your house and land? It's wonderful. Like a something out of a storybook."

"Of course, just make sure to keep the paint off the carpet and ask permission if people are near to take their photos Little One." Atem said standing with Yami following to get Yami in something other than the black nightgown he wore. "Oh, I wouldn't paint in your house. I take the picture then paint outside, sir." Yugi replied also standing. "And I don't take photos of people, so you don't have to worry." Atem studied him a moment then glanced at his stomach before leaving. Yugi touched his belly. No way...he couldn't know. Yami pouted. "I don't want Yugi to leave. You said he would never leave." he said as he changed into a black tank top and comfortable blue leggings that accentuated his lovely hips, thighs, and legs. Atem rubbed his shoulders. "He won't. He's never leaving. He's just taking pictures of his new home." he bent Yami over the bed and pulled the tights back down. "You need my big c*** in you, love. It'll make you feel that much better, yes?"

Yami nodded as the said cock was pushed into him moaning out his pleasure to the other knowing the pace would be slow until he wished it to go faster. Atem smirked this wasn't the first time he took yami nor would it be the last especially with Little Yugi here to enjoy the pampering of a loving husband or what his family called the 'contract' collar the same one Yami wore around his neck. Atem smiled. "Yami, baby, that man...Duke...he hurt Yugi. Her*** him. You know what must be done." he said as he thrust gently. Yami whimpered in remembrance of a similar case with Akifa's claimed lover Bakura who was also raped by protecting Yami from the rapist that gladly no longer exists because of his slight female body. Clutching the sheets in his hands, Yami gasped when the cock hit a ball of nerves heads on "Yes... more... please... more." Atem wondered if Yugi was slightly female or if he had complete female parts. He thrust faster and faster until he and Yami came together. "Good." Atem panted kissing Yami's back. "So good. You learned your lesson so well. Did you, Yami? Did Big Brother teach his Habibi well?" He pulled out. Yami turned slowly to look him in the eyes. He smiled. "Yes. You're the sun my whole life revolves around. I belong to you...Yugi and I belong to you and you alone."

Tiredly Yami walked down the halls of the mansion board he wanted to play a game but everyone was still asleep, and he dared not ask Atem should he get mad that Yami would ask such a mundane question to his lover who did not need it. Yami sighed plopping down on a window seat snuggling up to the pillows the only company he had since no one had his childish need to play games Atem was too busy, and Akifa preferred physical ones, and Maraku was always at the bakery Marik and Bakura just stayed to themselves after the incident deeming Yami too dangerous to be around or at least that was what Yami thought on why they avoided him. sighing to himself Yami curled up for another nap clutching the pillow to his chest with a tear falling down his face 'am I that much of a burden to be around?' Mai had once said he was dead weight weighing down the Family and endangering them had she been right about him all along? Would Atem be happier with Yugi and the child without Yami and less stressed if Yami were just to disappear? Would it be better if he acted less like a child and more like the adult he was supposed to be? All these questions swarmed Yami's head making it spin and his vision tilt closing his eyes to stop the tears falling his face hugging the pillow closer to himself while bringing his legs up curling tightly around the pad like a ball.

Yami opened his eyes hearing sniffling. He got up and followed it to the living room. Yugi was sitting on the couch staring at a pack of colorful cards. Yami knew what they were. He had his deck, but no one else did. "I wish someone would play with us," he told his flat tummy. He decided he loved the brand-new life within him and was determined to keep it. "I guess it’s just you and me, little cloud," he called it that because it felt like a pleasant, fluffy feeling was in his belly. Yami wiped his eyes and faced hastily he got out his deck from the holster around his hip had been collecting dust since he could remember on the bedside table knocking on the door Yami smiled cheerfully hiding his worries and placing his thoughts on the back burner to wallow in when he was sure he was completely alone. "I couldn't help but notice you have a deck to would you like to play around with me?" Yami asked Yugi holding out his almost complete deck. Yugi looked stunned for a moment. Then he smiled. They quickly got comfortable and began to play. Yugi showed Yami his favorites in between matches. "Here," Yugi said. "I have two of these." he gave Yami one of his Dark Magicians. "Now we each have one." Yami was touched beyond words. He was so excited that Yugi was staying! Even if he didn't know that yet.

Atem sighed. Maybe he should be gentler with Yami. He thought his childishness was adorable. Atem had always been a loner before he met Yami and was new to kindness and being loving. He paused when he heard laughter. Atem followed the sound to the living room and peeked inside. He was nearly overwhelmed at the sight of his two loves on the floor playing. Besides the card game, Yami loved, Yami had fetched his favorite board games as well. "I collect dolls too." Yugi was saying. "The pretty ones that break so you can't play with them, but I love changing their clothes."

As Atem watched he saw the lingering questions in Yami's eyes and the faint tracks of tears on his cheeks covered up by the forced-out joy Yami was portraying to keep Yugi comfortable though Atem notice Yugi's worry for Yami, while they played their game noting how distracted, and quite Yami, was instead of his usually focused and talkative self. 'why are you acting like this Yami?' Atem thought when Yugi wondered the same thing and started to ask simple questions. "I'm just...I'm happy," Yami said. "All I've known is my brother, and the others don't like to play with me. I'm trying to process that you''re like me. I'm still very shocked but I'm also very, very, very happy and I... I want you to stay here!" he blurted out. Atem nearly barged in but then...

Yugi looked down at his side of the chess board. Stay? Hmm...Back home, he was lonely and didn't fit correctly. And then there was something in his past that made people who knew fear and hate him. He saw flashes of an ax and two bodies hit the floor... "And.... if I stay?" Yugi asked. "If I gave up my life... and stayed?" Atem suddenly felt pride in Yami.

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