The Replacement

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Sorry it took so long to write this MemerSenpaiKun. But you probably weren't even waiting for this so I'll just shut up and go on with the story

Akira POV:

"I AM SO NOT POSING NUDE FOR HIM!" A furious Ann yelled at Ryuji. So furious, in fact, you could almost see steam shooting from them. Even though I was one of the gayest people in the universe, I always found it incredibly adorable whenever she got worked up like this.

Ryuji pouted and crossed his arms. "Aw, come on! Who else is going to do it? You're his muse after all~" Morgana sighed and mumbled something to himself. Most likely how he was an idiot, as always. I let out a small chuckle, which ended up a mistake (or a blessing~) as Ann glared at him with a fierce intensity. "If you're being so light-hearted about this, why don't you do it?" She growled.

I answered a little too quickly and little more excited than I would like to admit.


I cringed as the word passed my lips. You see, I kind of sort of want to fuck the artist in question. Even though we kind of sort of barely know each other. But hey, it's not my fault he was the most beautiful creatures to possibly ever exist. From his eloquent way of speaking to his neat blue hair, he was truly a wonder to behold.

"Dude, why didn't you tell us you were gay or bi or whatever?"

My face heated up. I buried my face in my hands, trying to hide from the world right now. "I said all of that out loud, didn't I?" Morgana hopped onto my shoulders. "Well what d'you think?" I groaned. "Crap." I wanted to just fade into the shadows and pretend like this never happened. But I couldn't just fade away and it was happening, so  just had to suck it up for now.

I remove my hands from my face but I still didn't look any of my friends in the eye. I simply refused to. "I w-was planning on telling you guys sooner or later. . .s-sorry." I whispered, speaking more to myself than to them.

"It's okay." Ann reassured. Looking up, I saw that she was giving me her usual sweet smile. Morgana nuzzled against my neck in a loving sort of way. Ryuji nodded when he was looked at. I smiled at the three of them. "I love you guys." I sighed.

"Not as much as you love Yusuke~" Morgana purred playfully. My face turned beat red. "S-shaddup!"

"Stop being shy and go in there buddy!" My own best friend said, pushing me towards the door before taking a giggling Ann's hand and running away. I sighed. Sometimes they were too childish for me. I raised my hand to the buzzer, only to hesitate. This wasn't going to work for either situation. Yusuke wouldn't let me in because I wasn't Ann and that would jeopardize our entire mission unless I thought of something convincing and quick. And if I tried to make a move on him, he'd probably reject on the fact that he seems to have his eyes set on Ann (hehe, on Ann)

"Hey, we can't get our mission done if you're just gonna stand here all day." Morgana scolded. I forgot he was even there and he shocked me. He shocked me enough to make me jump, which made me put pressure on the intercom button.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit

"Miss Takamaki?" A voice said.

"Ah, n-no th-this is, um, Ak-kira Kurusu. I'm A -- Miss Takamaki's . . . manager." I take in a deep breath to calm down and roll with the story I had come up with. "She just was busy today and sent me to . . . work on scheduling."

There was a moment of silence.

"I see. I'll be down in a moment."

I'm not going to lie, I was panicking. Was this actually working? Why was he even doing this? I thought he wouldn't--

The door swung open, cutting off my thoughts. "U-um, hello."


I awkwardly stood there for a moment, avoiding eye contact. The silence dragged on and on and I was mentally begging that he'd say something.  He didn't.  So I said the first thing that I thought.

"Shall I be heading inside?"

What the fuck kind of sentence was that. He probably thought I was an idiot. I summoned all the courage I required, I looked him in the eye to see him . . . smiling? "Yes you shall."

I blushed and hurried inside. This was actually working? How the hell was this working? What is this? A video game? A fanfiction? If so, the fourth wall has sort of just been demolished. But no worries, Mexico's going to pay for the rebuilding of it.

We sat down in his room, talking about Ann's schedule. And, in full honesty, I don't have a fucking clue about her plans for this next month or so, so I made it up. And she was busy as can she can possibly bee (yeah, say you hate me. But ya know you love it.)

After a full half hour, Yusuke was in the verge on giving up when he had an idea.

"What if you were to be my model in place of Miss Takamaki?"

It legitimately took a good amount of strength to resist the blood about to pour out of my nose.

"O-o-o-okay." I stuttered.


Yusuke stopped painting for a moment to give a good look at his canvas. He looked from me, to the canvas and back. After doing this for a while, he sighed and set his brush down. "That should be all for today, we shall resume as soon as your available." I nodded and picked up my clothes, throwing them back on. "I should be available tomorrow after school."

"Fantastic. I'll see you then."

I gave him a small smile and made my way towards the door. I was halfway out when Yusuke spoke again.



"You really do have the body for nude paintings."

I blushed and nodded as I practically bolted out, completely forgetting that I didn't complete my mission.

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