Be More Chill AU

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This is based off a thing I read where (during a show) the guy playing Jeremy began to cry when the SQUIP was singing and then just began full-on sobbing and they had to stop the show to calm him down. More notes at the end of the end of the chapter. (Yusuke is referred to as 'it' in this chapter)

Akira looked around the mall. He felt horrible. He had just made a fool of himself in front of Ann while she was on a date.

He glared at the smirking hologram before him. He was supposed to call him YUSUKE, but he had few choice names that would fit him better.

"I thought you were supposed to help me." He whispered under his breath. YUSUKE shook his head. "I will, in time! But, it's just that . . ." It took a long sigh. Akira narrowed his eyes. "What?"

YUSUKE thought about what it would say next carefully. It took both of Akira's hands into his own and stared down into his eyes with immense sincerity. Akira tensed at it's touch but relaxed as he stared back. He felt his heart begin to pound. This feeling . . . was . . . new and surprising. He never felt anything like it before. Was he . . . crushing on the robot in his brain?  

He felt heat rise to his cheeks as YUSUKE leaned in slightly, their noses lightly touching. He began to close his eyes when he heard the words that broke his heart--

"Everything  about you is just terrible."

Akira felt his heart break a little. It had said it with such a truthful annoyance and disgust. He felt tears form in the corner of his eyes. But it was a lie . . . right?

"Everything about you make me want to die."

His heart broke completely. Tears spilled freely from his eyes. Sobs wracked his body. It wasn't even just that he had begin to fall for YUSUKE. It was the fact that he was in his mind. So had access to everything -- every memory, every opinion, every like, and every dislike  he has ever had. Akira already hated himself enough, but to know that somebody who knew him like he knew himself wanted to die because of how horrible he was . . . it was too much.

YUSUKE froze in place. What was it supposed to do? It's a robot. It was only programmed to help the user get what they wanted, not be their therapist. It felt a pang right where it's heart should've been if it was human. It shouldn't be able to feel anything. But the crying user before it was doing what should've been impossible.

Did that mean it was defective?

But it wasn't defective nor functional enough to know what to do next. 

So it stood there, frozen and watched Akira's tears fall to the ground and his it's 'heart' shattered little by little.

I kinda liked that I guess? I dunno. It's creative to say the least. But short. 

REAL QUICK: I'm creating a joint account with my best friend. It's called MornStarTheBrony. We have a book of debates up and we're just trying to get it off the ground so please check that out! <3

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