Sex, Drugs and Vampires. Chapter 3.

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Being the grand old age of 108 you would think that I would know better than to walk into a blatant trap. Apparently I am not as intelligent as I would like to think. From the moment I saw the syringe and the Heroin on the floor, I knew this was a trap just for me. I crouched in front of the boy who just minutes ago was tied to a pole of my bed, I don't sleep but a bedroom isn't a bedroom without a bed in my eyes. Not everyone who lives here in the mansion thinks the same as I, but the only opinion that really matters around here is the opinion of Bruxsa, she's a real bearcat.

I looked into his eyes with genuine sorrow, I know I shouldn't feed on him but he smells too delicious to resist. I can feel my personality changing, and I know I wont be able to resist much longer.

"I'm so sorry" I spoke clearly, then my fangs extend and before I could even change my mind I began to drink his blood. Usually at this point people will beg for mercy, the most atheist of people will call out for god to save them or people will "do anything" for me to stop. It had been a long time since I fed on a live one, but I've never forgotten the most vulnerable of looks people will give you as they shout, scream and cry for you to stop.

Dean was not at all like any of the pathetic people I had fed on before, he willingly let me feed. This was not because he liked it, and yes some people do -mostly vampire wannabes- but it takes away the fun of it. But still Dean just seemed to accept it, as if it was meant to happen. I looked up at him confused, I was looking into his eyes when he fell limp. Immediately I dropped his wrist, I didn't even know how I had the strength to do so. I stared at him for a moment knowing, I had killed him. And then my curiosity overwhelmed me and I did something that I should not have even considered let alone act upon.

I ripped a large chunk of skin from my wrist and as the blood poured from it, I placed it over his mouth. I insured that his lips were completely clasped around the wound so no blood could escape. I could have stopped what I was doing then but I had so many questions to ask this Dean human. I have never been so intrigued by a human, not even when I was living. Dean opened his eyes slightly only to close them again, it was then that I felt the hit of his blood.

As if I had an electric current from my tail bone to the tip of my head I arched my back backwards and threw my head back, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and began to laugh.

"YES!" I shouted, I was beyond excited. "FUCK YES!" I laughed a pure menacing laugh, I had missed this. I could feel the tingling all over my body. I needed more, and it was then I regretted turning the idiotic treat that had been left for me. I should have drained that fucker dry. I was a different person, for now anyway.

I let out a gut wrenching scream, I was so angry at myself, all I could think about was more blood, but not just any kind of blood. My personal favourite. I was about to walk out of the door when Liam entered. Liam was one of Bruxsa's top vamps. He was so far up her back side he could probably see out of her eyes.

"We heard yelling?" He spoke with no concern for my wellbeing. I was panting frantically he was in a very dangerous position, I wanted to rip him apart. I wouldn't be able to but I would still give it a shot given the chance. I began shaking uncontrollably, he looked over my way confused. He then noticed the body on the floor he must have also seen the syringe because he darted away before I could blink. I heard him barricade the door shut.

"Its Rose! Everyone upstairs IMMEDIATELY!" He wasn't shouting, but I could hear him crystal clear as if he was standing right next to me. The perks of being a vampire, you can hear far more than you should.

I was glad when I moved here, I had lived in a grotty flat before. Imagine hearing your neighbours from upstairs, downstairs and each side. Plus my neighbour to the left was a lady of the night, I must say my living there was not fun. After a while I was so sick of hearing every drab detail of their pitiful lives. I would lay in a coffin full of water for hours, it was the only way I could muffle the noise. I know, I was a living breathing cliché, well not really but you get my point. I had a rather large incident, and after that Bruxsa insisted I lived with her and her entourage. I didn't really mind too much as I knew it was for the best. Plus I was commanded to do so by my vampire father Caleb, so I really didn't have a choice in the matter.

If Caleb could see my now he would be horrified. I began scratching at the door to get out, I needed my personal feed. I was greedy and I wanted more. I expected there to be at least 5 of Bruxsa's strongest vampires outside but I didn't care, I wanted out now. As I scratched away at the door splinters began to get imbedded under my nails.

"Let me the fuck out!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, there was a darkness taking over me that I could not control. I punched a hole through the door only to see Liam holding the door so that I could not get out. There was 4 of them including Liam and one held a sharpened stake. I assumed they had these things on hand in case I had one of my 'outbursts' as they liked to call them. Outburst is an understatement, you would agree if you had seen the last one.

"Open the door." A sultry voice spoke with authority, immediately I knew it was Bruxsa. I was taken back by her presence, she would never normally involve herself in an incident like this. Why would she need to when she had her beloved vampire associates. I began panicking, something was wrong, very wrong. I let my feet back up a few steps, soon I had my back to the wall. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to back myself into a corner but I had the strong need to be far away from all of them.

"Each of you grab an arm or leg." She spoke with an evil smile in her voice. "And follow me boys. Gather everyone downstairs now!"

Before I could even fight I was being carried away, I screamed and fought as much as I could. But I dare say I looked more like the girl from the exorcist more than anything else. I didn't often feel fear but I did now, I would be a fool not to.

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