Sex, Drugs and Vampires. Chapter 13.

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I followed Rose through the crowd of people, before I walked through the door that said "HemoBar", I took one last glance back to look at Daisy.

Rose's feet were moving so fast, she almost seemed as if she was gliding.

We were heading to the office door, I slowed down slightly when we got near. Something told me I would not be a welcome member of this conversation. Rose opened the office door so forcefully, she nearly took it off its hinges.

"Out!" She screamed at Seraphina, who said nothing and jumped up to leave. "Dean, wait at the bar!" She was still shouting, I didn't take it offensively though. I knew her anger wasn't for me, it was for Caleb. I cant say I felt particularly sorry for him. Ever since I realized he was Ivy's girlfriend, lets just say I didn't exactly love my "Grandfather".

"Are you completely incompetent Caleb?" Rose continued to shout before turning to close the door. Before she could see me standing there, I turned to walk to the bar.

"Don't you dare have the audacity to come in here and talk to me like that!" Caleb shouted, that was the last thing I heard before the door slammed.

Seraphina was waiting at the bar for me, her lips pursed but close to smiling at me.

"Aren't you meant to be working?" I said with a smile in my voice.

"I'm licking my wounds." She smiled and threw back a shot of blood. I wondered why the bar had different glasses. Surely blood is blood no matter what glass you put it in? I then realised the same applied to pubs, a drink is a drink no matter what glass you put it in.

"Rose shatter your ego?" I said as I sat down next to her. She got up and placed her hand on my inner thigh.

"It takes more than that to shatter my ego." She said into my ear before she walked away, letting her hand drag up my thigh behind her.

I watched her walk away, her hips swayed as she walked. She knew I was watching her, why else would she be swinging her perfect ass as she walked? It happened again, my lips were tingling. Seraphina and her ass were pushed out of my mind. She was not what lead me to become jittery. When you crave something as much as I do, everything gets pushed out of your mind, until the craving is the only thing left. Which leaves you no choice but to act. I began tapping my fingers against the bar. I have been here a million times before, withdrawal. All I could think about was the cage girls pulse. The sound of her heart was throbbing in my head, as it was in ear shot. I closed my eyes trying to shake the sound from my head. I had no money for a quick fix, this was the story of my life. If I had money I would buy a blood, in the hopes that it would stem any cravings temporarily.

My usual rules don't apply here, by now I would have pick pocketed somebody's cash. I opened and closed my hand a few times, trying to combat the shaking. I was naive to think that being a vampire had cured my drug addiction, it just gave me a new addiction. Blood.

I remember the first time I had drugs, crystal clear as if it was yesterday. Everything in between then and now has pieces missing, but that memory is vivid. I was fifteen and totally in love with Alexis, she was sixteen. I realise now that it was simply infatuation, but then, I truly believed she was the love of my life.

"Hold this." She said handing me a piece of paper folded into a little rectangle. She was sitting on the toilet with the lid down and I was sat on the floor in front of her. I stared up at her as she rummaged in her bag, her scraggily long blonde hair nearly covering my view of her face.

I had a real thing for blondes then; now I know blondes are the bad omen in my life. Alexis being the first of these bad omens and the last one being that blonde woman who left me for Rose to devour. Ivy was probably the first non-blonde that I fell for. Ivy proves even more that blondes are not good for me, she is.

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