Sex, Drugs and Vampires. Chapter 17.

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I heard Maggie scream one more time, before she was pulled away behind the door, which slammed closed. Her scream carved its self in my mind, it was the kind of gut-wrenching scream that brings your heart to your mouth. I sat still for a moment in complete shock, absorbing what was going on around me.

"Maggie!" I shouted, and jumped to my feet. I took a step forward to help her, but Rose pulled my arm, I fell back into my seat.

"Do not interfere!" She said again with a firm grasp on my hand.

I looked Rose in the eyes, there was no trace of human compassion for Maggie. Just the stare of a determined woman, she was not going to let me run after Maggie. She was not going to let me help her.

The look in her eyes however, did not deter me from trying to help Maggie. I stood once again, hoping that I could break Rose's grasp on my arm. Neither of us had our advanced abilities in the day, but it was obvious that Rose was stronger than me. She was a vintage vampire, but in the back of my mind I thought that if I fought hard enough, I could loosen her grasp.

"I have to help her!" I begged, as I desperately tried to push Rose away.

"Its too late for her." Rose snapped.

I refused to listen, I pushed and shoved. Rose struggled to keep a strong, steady grasp on me.

"Why do they have her!?" I demanded, shouting in her face.

"I don't want to tell you." She said looking away, ashamed.

"Tell me!" I shouted again, I was frantic. Nothing was going to stop me from saving her, I knew that was what I had to do. It was the way Rose was talking, it was obvious Maggie's life was in danger.

The truth was, I needed to save Maggie. Ivy had lost enough, and after all the pain I had caused. I couldn't sit back and watched as more pain flooded her way, loosing a friend would be too much. I was going to do everything in my power, to stop anything from happening to Maggie.

I fought with Rose, she held onto me, as I tried as hard as I could to push her away. At one point I managed to break away, but she still had one hand on me.

"Do it!" She said finally. I looked at her confused, wondering what she had meant. It was then I noticed Max standing behind me. I stared at him for a moment before I turned back to Rose.

"Do what Rose? Do what!" I shouted as I struggled harder to get away.

"Max do it!" Rose said again, sounding defeated.

I felt something hit my back, I couldn't quite see what it was. But I felt the pain, I stumbled back a few steps, hitting a table behind me. I stood looking at Max and Rose, who tried not to catch my gaze. The heat spread through my back like a burn, I began shaking as the heat spread to my arms. The heat kept spreading, through all my limbs. I fell to the floor, my eyes closing. I couldn't open them again. I felt paralysed, but I could still feel the pain of the burn.

I had felt a feeling like this before, quite recently in fact. Drug inflicted of course, I lay there for hours. My mind not fully functioning, but I felt paralyzed. Everything around me was a blur, I remembered hearing a few of the other squatters talking. But I couldn't make out what they were saying, I was in my own little world. In-between life and death, my body paralyzed, lifeless. But my brain still ticking away under the dead looking body. The whole time I had been cursing the day I met Alexis.

Alexis lead me down the drug path. If it hadn't been for her I would probably be happily ignorant. I'm not blaming her for my addiction, I know that was fully my responsibility. I am however, blaming her for introducing me to my toxic friends, commonly known as drugs.

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