Chapter One

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The world being in a zombie apocalypse didn't bother me. Okay, it did, but not as much as the way the living changed. Everything now was a competition, a race for survival. There was no such thing as working together anymore, not unless you were lucky enough to find a group that welcomed you. I have yet to see one of those though.

I've come along a couple of groups since this whole thing started but they've all turned me away, or I turned them away. I liked being alone, I no longer had to watch someone else's back along with my own, it was safer. It didn't start out that way, I had a family. A fiancé, a son, and a dog. My fiancé and son died almost the second this all began.

I kneeled and placed my machete down onto the ground and sniffed the air. No dead, at least, not anywhere near me. I did, however, see the buck grazing off in the distance. As quietly as I could, I lifted the bow and arrow from my back and aimed at the game. Unfortunately, before I could shoot, gunshots killed my concentration as well as scared the game away.

"Shit." I cursed, placing my bow and arrow back in its rightful place. I picked up my machete and walked towards the noise.

Being right outside of the city had a few disadvantages, such as, there were a lot of dead walking about, or the occasional idiot still alive and stupid enough to go into the city unprepared. I usually let those go, not bothering with heroism. It's been a while since that's happened though and curiosity got the best of me. Nearing the edge of the woods, I peered through an alley and saw a man on horseback. He didn't seem to panicked so I assumed that meant he came across a straggler. Unfortunately, I knew that the shot would attract more. For some stupid reason, before I could think twice, I was calling out to the stranger.

"Hey, you!" I shouted, waving my arms. He slowed as a saw me, raising his weapon just slightly, "Your gunshot probably just attracted more of those things." I neared him, with my hands up, my machete hanging limp in my hand.

"You think?" He asked. Where has this guy been? I thought to myself as I gave him an annoyed look.

"I know. Those things are like freaking bugs attracted to light." I said, "It's probably a safe bet to hideout." He furrowed his eyes, thinking. Just as he was about to say something we heard the groans and the moans of the undead. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Great."

"Get on." The man said holding out his hand. I quickly took in his appearance. He was wearing a cop uniform, probably sheriff of a small town. Wolf county maybe? That was somewhat near here. If he's a cop he must be kind of trust worthy, right? His face was soft, probably a husband, a father. I deemed him trustworthy and grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull me up and behind him onto the horse. I wrapped my arms around him and looked back, seeing the undead making their way towards us at an alarming speed. I gripped my machete tightly, preparing to kill.

The cop tutted at the horse and gently kicked its side, making the horse bolt forward and down the street. As we rounded the corner we saw another swarm of dead mulling around. I also spotted a tank left from the military.

"The tank." I yelled, pointing to it. He nodded and made his way to it. As we neared it, we slowed and I hopped off, beginning to slash every dead I could until he made it safely up to the top of the tank, then, I made my way up. Just as I neared the top one of the dead grabbed my foot and dragged me almost all the way to the ground. I yelled in dismay and frantically chopped at it, missing the head entirely each time. The cop grabbed ahold of my hand, shot the dead and slid me ungracefully into the tank.

I landed on my shoulder blade and rolled out of the way as he made his way down. I sat back and watched him close the tank. Behind me, a one of the dead grabbed my shoulders and made its way to my neck. I shrugged it off roughly and stabbed its head with my machete. We stared at each other and tried to catch our breath.

"Rick." He mumbled, under his breath.

"What?" I asked, not catching it.

"My name is Rick. Rick Grimes." He repeated, rubbing his forehead furiously, "I dropped my dang bag out there."

"Haley." I offered, rolling my shoulders, hoping to ease the pain. He simply nodded, his mind obviously still on his mind. "What was in the bag?" I asked, moving to a better sitting position, searching the dead soldier in the corner for any weapons. Ah, a gun. I checked the clip, full. I pulled off my handy backpack and slipped it in, making sure the safety was on.

"Weapons." He said, starting to play with the radio on the wall.

"Hey idiot." It said suddenly, causing us both to fall back in shock. We both eyed it wearily. "Hey idiot, in the tank. You and the girl comfy?" Rick scoffed and picked up the radio.

"Who is this?" He asked and released the button. I wasn't surprised there were others out there though I was surprised they were trying to contact us. Rick and the radio continued their conversation, causing Rick to open the tank door slightly and peer out with a pair of binoculars he found lying on the ground of the tank. I searched the tank some more for weapons and such. I came up with nothing but a canteen. Still pure gold nowadays. I took a swig and offered it to Rick who gladly took it.

"They're up in that building over there." He said to me, motioning me closer to peer through the binoculars, "They say they're going to help us."

I snorted, help us? Or to use us because they're probably trapped in the building and need a couple of fools to lure away the dead. I voiced my opinion to Rick and he shrugged.

"Worth a try, right?" I merely rolled my eyes, beats being stuck in this stuffy tank. The plan was to somehow distract the dead long enough for Rick and me to make a run for it. I sighed and threw my back pack back onto my back and made sure my other bag was secure over my shoulder. We suddenly heard gunshots and the radio yell at us to run now. Rick threw open the door and climbed out quietly, stopping to grab ahold of my hand and pull me out. Together, we jumped off the tank and sprinted to the alley between the mall and another building. There, a Korean kid stood waiting, ushering us towards him and an undead herd rushed towards us, no longer distracted.

The kid quickly began climbing a ladder on the side of the building next to the shopping mall. Rick pushed me in front of him and practically threw me at the ladder. I hurriedly started climbing the ladder, willing my feet and legs to move. I peered down and saw Rick right behind as well as the dead gathering to the bottom. Thank god, they can't climb, I thought to myself. We climbed onto the balcony the kid was at a stared down at the dead, clawing at the wall and the ladder.

"I should be hunting right now." I moaned, laying my head on top of my arms, leaning against the railing.

"My name's Glenn." He said, offering his hand to Rick.

"Rick," Rick said, shaking his hand.

"Haley." I mumbled, not offering my hand, my head still down. Glenn started making his way up the next ladder, Rick following him.

"C'mon, Haley." Rick said gently, pulling on my arm. I pulled it away from him and turned around, trailing behind with one last look at the dead. 

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