Chapter 2

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Once up the ladder, we began walking across the top of the building. Thankfully, the buildings were attached and we didn't run into any of the dead. We did, however have to go down a hole, more ladders, to get into the building where we had to once again go outside to get to the spot Glenn and his group were at. Unfortunately, the dead had made its way to where we were. Tempted to turn around, Glenn stopped and stared. I rolled my eyes and began to make my way past him and Rick down the stared. It's just a few of them.

Then, out of nowhere, two individuals ran out a door with swat armor on and bats in their hand and began wailing on the dead. Glenn ran past me, Rick ran past me, grabbing on to my arm and dragging me along through the door. The other two followed us inside.

Suddenly, Rick was up against the wall with a gun to his face, a woman screaming at him. I pulled out my machete, ready to attack. The woman noticed and lowered her voice, eyeing my choice of weapon.

"We're all dead, because of you." She rasped, lowering her weapon to her side. I watch as one of the armored people, a Hispanic man, walk up to her.

"Chill out Andrea, back off." He said, sweat running down his face.

"Yeah Andrea, back the hell off." I murmured calming, my machete raised above my shoulder, ready. She looked at me fearfully, tears streaming down her face.

She moved away, "We're dead, all of us, because of you two." She whined.

"I don't understand." Rick said, looking amongst all of them. The other armored individual was a larger black man. There was Andrea, the Hispanic man, Glenn and a fearful looking black woman. They were all probably on a run. Should've picked better members of their group to go. The Hispanic man gripped Rick's shoulder, glancing at me and my machete, noticing that I haven't moved from my stance. He pulled Rick along to the next room, explaining that they were, in fact on a run, getting supplies, he pushed at Rick talking about surviving and to survive they must sneak in and out. We made it into the next room and I saw the undead pounding at the glass doors, trying to get in.

"Watch out." T Dogg exclaimed as one of the dead smashed a rock at the glass.

"What were you doing out there anyway." The Hispanic man asked him, also looking to me.

"I was looking for the helicopter." Rick answered, still staring at the door. That stopped me and I lowered my weapons. He saw a helicopter?

T Dogg voiced my thought and quickly dismissed it. The black woman spoke up as well.

"You were imagining things, it happens." She said, in what seemed like an understanding voice.

"I saw it." Rick said, his voice sounded as though as wasn't backing down.

The Hispanic man looked to me, "What about you?"

I shrugged and sheathed my machete, all of the visibly relaxed, "I heard the gunshots, and followed them. I was hunting just outside the city. BY the time, I showed up the dead were making they're towards us. He had a horse, faster way of getting the hell away than on foot." I offered nothing else and began looking around the shop we were in.

The Hispanic man then began talking to T Dogg about trying the radio again and contacting the others.

Rick began asking about the refugee center and the black woman quickly shot him down. Suddenly gunshots are heard from above us.

"Dixon." They all complained in unison. They all began running to the stairs and Glenn ushered us along. I looked up at the several flights of stairs and whimpered dramatically.

"I should be hunting right now." I growled once again, thinking thoughtfully about the buck I was about to nab.

Finally, finally we made it up the stairs and through the door to the roof. There, a large man, obviously a hick, was plucking the dead off one at a time with his rifle.

"Dixon! What are you doing?" The Hispanic, whose name I have yet to learn, exclaimed. He, T Dogg and the hick they referred to as 'Dixon' began to fight. Dixon obviously did not like taking orders from someone of a different nationality. The fight began to get violent as T Dogg and Dixon started throwing punches. It ended with Dixon and T Dogg on the ground, a gun in T Dogg's face.

Dixon laughed at T Dogg and spit onto his chest. He stood up exclaiming that he should be in charge, he even held a vote. Andrea, the other woman and Glenn dragged T Dogg away from Dixon.

"All in favor of me being in charge, raise your hands." Dixon yelled, raising his hand. Andrea unwillingly raised her hand as well as the other woman who flipped him off, "Any other problems?" Dixon yelled, stepping back laughing.

"Yeah. "Rick said and slammed his gun into Dixon's face, knocking him to the ground. HE handcuffed his hand to a pipe and slid him up into a sitting position.

"Who the hell are you." Dixon grumbled, his mouth dripping blood.

"Officer Friendly." Rick answered, grabbing the gun and emptying it into his hand. I stifled a laugh and sheathed my machete that I had unknowingly took out. Rick began lecturing Dixon about having to work together.

I walked around them and plopped down in front of T Dogg, pulling my duffel bag off my shoulder and pulling it open. I dug around a few moments before grabbing a bottle of alcohol and a cotton ball from the stash I had. I dabbed at T Dogg's face with the cotton ball. And eyeing his face before determining that he was okay. I closed my bag and stood, peering over the edge of the building to the dead down below. I laid a hand on my machete handle absentmindedly as I stared down below.

I heard Rick mention his wife and son and my heart felt as though someone was squeezing it tight. I hope he finds them.

"It's up to us to find a way out." I hear Rick say as I come back to reality. I also hear Dixon refer to Andrea as 'sugartits' and I nearly vomit. How come, out of all the people who didn't make, did this nasty ass make it?

I turned and glanced down at T Dogg who was leaning back against the wall, still fiddling with the radio. "Isn't there some kind of sewer system, under this building. I mean, I don't know this place too well, but I've been here before and I thought there was." I offered, leaning back against the wall, looking each one of these people in the eye. Except Dixon. He creeped me out.

"I don't think I caught your name, sugar." The devil himself laughed, eyeing my leather jacket, white crop top and torn up leggings.

"That's because I didn't give it to you, sleazebag." I retorted and looked at Rick who blatantly glared at the man.

"Yeah, there's some time of underground tunnel on the basement floor, we can see if that leads anywhere." Glenn pitched in excitedly, probably glad we're getting somewhere. I nodded, and motioned for him to lead the way.

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