Chapter 4

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Glenn parked along some railroad tracks and killed the engine, "We walk from here."

We jogged along the railroad tracks, "Merle first or guns?" Rick asked.

"Merle first. Can't believe we're even having this conversation." Daryl exclaimed, angry.

"Yes, we are, Glenn, you know the geology, it's your call." Rick said, turning slightly to Glenn.

"Merle's closer, we can get the guns on the way back."

We make it to the building and begin the trek up. At the door to the roof, T Dogg snaps the chain with bolt cutters and pushes through.

"Merle! Merle!" Daryl calls out heading to the pipe Rick latched Merle onto. Finding him gone, nothing left but a severed hand, Daryl begins to yell in pain and anger. Merle is nowhere to be found.

Daryl turns with his crossbow pointed at T Dogg while Rick points his gun at Daryl. I take a step forward.

"I will not hesitate." Rick started, "I don't care if the walkers all hear it."

"You got a dew rag or something?" Daryl asked, after everyone lowered their weapons. T Dogg gingerly handed Daryl a bandana.

"The saw blade musta been too dull for the hand cuffs. What a bitch." Daryl announced, picking up the severed hand. I scrunched my face up. Gross. He wrapped it in the bandana and stuffed it into Glenn's back pack. Glenn was not amused.

"He musta used a tourniquet, otherwise there'd be more blood." Daryl continued, and began following Merle's blood trail. It led inside and down some stairs. Daryl began calling out his brother's name. Along the way Daryl shot a few walkers and continued to follow the trail.

In one room we found a fire lit. I picked up an old fashion iron and held it up.

"What's that burnt stuff?" Glenn asked me. Daryl came up behind me to peer over my shoulder.

"Skin." I answered, setting it back down, "He cauterized the stump." I mused, adjusting the grip on my machete. Glenn looked away, disgusted.

"Told ya he was tough, no one can kill Merle, but Merle." Daryl said to Rick.

"Don't bet on it. There are walkers out there." Rick said.

"You couldn't kill him, so I'm not worried up some dead bastards." Daryl hissed.

"What about a thousand of them dead bastards." Rick countered, "We need to keep a level head."

"I can do that." Daryl said calmly.

"This is a bad idea." I said.

"I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you that much." Daryl said, leaning over his hands on his knees.

"It's a good idea." Glenn said, "Just hear me out. If we go out there in a group, were dead. If I'm alone, I can move fast. Look," He began a diorama of how the pick up would go down. Me, him and Daryl would be in one alley, he'd run pick up the bag and if the walkers cut him off before he can run back, he can run down two blocks where T Dogg and Rick would be waiting.

"Hey kid, what'd you do before all this?" Daryl asked Glenn.

"I delivered pizzas, why?" He answered. I huffed in amusement.

I watched as Glenn ran his way down the street to the bag of guns. Sudden;y Daryl grabbed my shirt and pulled me behind him, back against a dumpster. I stayed quiet, knowing there was a reason for it. Daryl cocked his crossbow and spun around the corner aiming it at someone.

"Woah! Don't shoot!" I hear, "Ayudame!"

"Shut up!" Daryl hissed, "Where's my brother, you seen him?"


I peeked out from behind the dumpster and saw a kid in a wife beater, with his hands up. The kid just continued to yell until finally Daryl slammed his crossbow into his face. Suddenly, two other men came up to Daryl and kicked him off the kid. One of the men grabbed me by my hair.

"Oi!!" I ecxclaimed, hitting at him. Then I see Glenn who has the bag. All in a rush, Glenn was beat to the ground and I was held against a man, a gun up against my throat. Daryl shot one of the men in the ass, causing him to holler out and attract walkers. Before I knew it I was being thrown Into a back seat and pushed to the side. Then everything went black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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