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BAANG BOOM BANNG BANNG is what I heard as I feel my body slam to the ground while tears are streaming down my face.

My family, My friends well if I even have some anymore was the only thing I could think of.

What had I done to anyone besides be myself and live my life. My Muscles grow weaker and wimp as I try and move.

I gasp for air rapidly as I feel blood pouring from my body. My vision is getting blurry and my mind is going further and further from reality.

They say -
God makes you for a purpose whether that purpose is to find love, make a change, become know or just making him happy your someone he loves very deeply. When that purpose is fulfilled he will take you out of this world and that's when he decides heaven or hell depending on what you've done through your journey.

Was my purpose to make everyone hate me to the point were I die. Or was there no point of me living even god turned away.

I really don't know and at this point because Im still 15 seconds away From my death.

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