chapter 6

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It has been a month or so and today josh and I are going back home. Yeyyyyy.okay okay I know what you are thinking
She fucking got her mate back and killed her brother that bitch
Well hear me out first.

Two weeks before

"Oh my god I found it Luce.... Luce where the fuck are you"

"I am downstairs what do you want"

"I found it I know how to save josh and.....and"

"Okay slow down breath.... jeez I feel as if I am helping you give birth"

"Shut up. Anyways you told me a goddess good or evil there body when dead will remain the same.... right"

"Yes.... why"

"Why don't we use the heart of the previous demon lord"

"That is actually a very good idea but we need the approval od the moon goddess herself after all she is his sister"

"And you say that you are evil"

"I am now lets summon her"

"How "

"I... I have no clue"

"What..... Lucifer what are we supposed to do now "

"Lets just wait.... she said that she will keep an eye on us so she knows that we need her now"

"True after all I am a goddess of her word" the moon goddess says

"She is behind be isn't she" Lucifer says

"Yep" I say popping the p

"So I see you found a solution Emma"

"Yes and I was wondering if.... if we could"

" I know what you want and I agree"

"You do??"

"Yes all my brother did was torture people but now even while dead maybe something good can come from him"

"Oh my god thank You thank you thank you so much"

"No need to thank me Emma but first we need to find his body"

"Find his body what do you mean?" Find the.... is it lost

"My brother wanted to die so he poisoned himself and locked himself in one room in this castle but his body was never found"

"I even searched and I know all the rooms of this castle yet nothing .... and it is said that he guarded his body with tough guards and spells"

"Are you serious "

"Well lets get started "

"You do not need to moon goddess we will find him"

"No .. he is my brother and I would like to see him"

"Okay lets get started then" after searching for three days we did not find anything and now I am searching for the third time in the throne room

.... okay what is the most precious thing to a lonely king.......... his no ..... his... his throne of course. So I head to the throne..... okay maybe if I sit on it it will move like in movies... nope not it.... okay maybe there is a door under it okay Emma you can do it... all your force come on.... oh god it moved it moved I was right.

"Lucifer, moon goddess I think I found it"


"Where?" They both came and asked at the same time

"Here look there is a door"

"Okay lets go in"

"Wait Lucifer Emma let me remove the spell he putted "

We node as she starts to chant some chinese or something and she then nods for us to go

As we reach the bottom of the stair case the two big rocks in front of us turn into well rock kind of shaped like a person the one on the left asked

"Who are and what are you doing here" before I or Lucifer said a word the moon goddess stood in front of us cut her hand and putted some blood on each rock like person and they disappeared  what... how

" these are bodyguards that disappear if the intruder has the same blood as there master" she says and keeps walking okay some one is very eager.

"There" she says and moves so we can see and there in front of us lays the previous demon lord on a stone bed. And I look at the moon goddess to find her crying and running to her brother. Lucifer and I decide to give her some privacy and we walk back from where we came. After a couple of hours she came saying that she was ready. We were all staring at him fighting over whom should take his heart.

"Okay okay I will do it just turn around " and moon goddess and I did not hesitate and we did as we were told. We both flinched when we heard bone cracking.... he did it. We turned around after a couple of seconds and we saw in his hand a .... a heart ... I feel as if I am gonna throw up.. no be string Emma for josh yes. As soon as we locked eyes he nodded his head and we headed to josh. When we were there the moon goddess cut my wrist and said that she need a lot of my blood and I nodded. I did not think that this would take so much time and I feel my legs going weak and as if my thoughts were heard josh woke up looking at his surroundings and finally at me. I could see happiness in his eyes but it turned into worry when he looked at my wrist. But I did not care I was smiling like an idiot, like a four year old on Christmas I was happy to just look at his face his eyes but all too soon it was replaced by darkness.

What the hell is this freaken sound god it sounds like a dying pig
Jeez make it stop. But when I open my eyes I did not come face to face with a pig no. I came face to face with Lucifer

"Lucifer what the hell!!"

"I told you she would wake up if I did this"

" you were the dying pig" I say trying to search for the person he is talking to

"What" and finally I see him

"Josh" I call for him tears in my eyes

" Emma" he says running to hug me

" god I missed you so much do not ever do that ever again I love you so much I thought I lost you when I saw all this blood god do not ever do that again" but to be honest I was not listening to a word he is saying all I cared was that I am in his arms again and all the past is forgotten all that matters is that he is with me and me with him

" I love you too"

Present time

And this is how ladies and gentlemen I ended up packing well actually saying goodbye to my brother cause he was letting us out of hell

"Goodbye Emma it was nice having you here" he says

" do not think you got rid of me I will be back after all you are my brother"

" I love you sis" ohhhhhh

"Oh my god I did not hear well did mister devil just call me sis and did he say he loves me oh say it again I need to record this"

"Shut up" he says hugging me as Josh laughs

" you will come and visit too right" I ask with hope in my eyes

" of course I will I cannot leave my sister with a grumpy wolf all the time"  I laugh as josh just growls at Lucifer. Lucifer and josh nod there heads as a farewell. I guess there is still some tension between them after all they did try kill each other.

Well what do u think

Tell me in the comments

See you next....well next time I update

Love u

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