chapter 10

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"Josh put me down please"

"No "

"Come on it was just a prank and you already putted whipped cream on my face"

"Yeh that was not the punishment sweetheart mine will make you scream"

"What!!??" What does he mean scream

"Of pleasure"

"Josh please put me down" I say now I really feel a little bit scared

All of a sudden I feel the soft mattress on my back

"Josh what are you doing" I say as he ties my hand with his tie and ties it to the bed

"Are you turning 50 shades on me" I say laughing

"Yep" he says getting to work

**** the next day

As promised josh kept me occupied for the rest of the day and night god I am so warned out but I can not say I did not in joy it I mean him turning 50 shades was really sexy. When I open my eyes I notice that josh is still asleep he looks so peacefully. Okay maybe what I am going to do next is a little bit weird but I can not help it. So I start tracing his jawline nose and when I arrive to his lips his eyes open

"What an amazing way to wake up"

"Good morning"

"Good morning beautiful " he says kissing me

"Hel.... Oh my god my eyes" what Lucifer

"Lucifer?!!" I ask surprised  while josh says his name angrily

"What I came to see my little sister and I find her like this"

" well I am sorry but normal people would knock at the door not appear out of no where"

"Well if you have not noticed I am not normal and you mate comes from an abnormal family "

" true" I say feeling this proud feeling as we talk about my family

"Emmmm. Lucifer can you leave for a second" I say cheeks red

"Oh of course see you in five" he says closing the door then opening it again "minutes not hours lovebirds okay"

"Shut up" I say throwing a pillow at him but he dodges it and leaves closing the door.

When I got descent I went to find Lucifer and when I did I found him eating some lucky charms

" oh no you are so dead" I say

"What what did I do?"

"Those are josh's favorite when he finds out he is gonna kill you" as if on cue josh enters the kitchen

"What are you doing?" He shouts angrily and Lucifer shoves the box in my hands

"Me nothing she played me I had no idea she said I can eat them"


"Yes you who else you knew it would make him mad you little devil"

"You little..." I say moving in a threatening stance

"Oh no i had a mad wolf now I have a mad wolf and a goddess"
He says as we both charge at him. After a couple of minutes josh has him pinned to the wall and I am holding a bottle of whipped cream and chocolate sauce

"You were a very bad boy Luce" I say smirking as josh chuckles

"No please I will be a good boy I promise"

"Too late" I say and I put some whipped cream on his head and then the chocolate sauce childish I know but it was hilarious but our laughter dies when one of the guards comes in

"Queen you parents are here to see you" he says and leaves as both josh and I look at Lucifer worriedly as he looks blankly  at the kitchen door most probably thinking of a way to hide from them

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