chapter 12

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Today was like any other day well other that I am playing truth or dare with some children then yes it is an ordinary day.

"Rayen your turn truth or dare"


"Do you like Emeralda "

"Ummmmmmm yehhhhh"

"Oh my God I knew it"

"Okay you are a genius Mike now your turn Luna.    Truth or Dare"

"Dare duuuuh"

" I dare you to take a pregnancy test"

"Wait.... What??"

"My mom so you throwing up yesterday and she told me to trick you to play with us to make you do this dare"

" Oh my God your mother is evilly smart"

"I know" the little boy says proudly

"Okay I'll do it later"

"You promise"

"On my chocolate"



Should I take the test I mean I promised the kid but what if it is positive..... I mean I threw up a couple of times this week but that not mean anything ..... Oh good what if I am pregnant will my mate be ready to be a father will I be ready to be a mother... I mean I love kids and I would to have one of my own uggggggghhhh I don't know lets just take the test and see what happenes.
I took the test and right now I am waiting for ten minutes to see the answer and god it is as if time has stopped those ten minutes would not end.. oh kidding times up.
Okay breath.... In ...out take the stick do not drop it I repeat do not drop it do you hear me hand! Oh I am definitely turning crazy and my eyes are playing games is this a second line it can't be it is so faint..... Maybe because I'm early that why.... But that means..... Oh fuck
How am I going to tell him he is gonna be home in an hour ohhhhhhhh huh. Should I do something special like they show on YouTube but I want something original waiiiit I think I got it. After throwing  baby games and diapers all around the house and placing some baby food on the table and also using it to write on a plate 'congrats daddy you me' I sit and wait for Josh.   
He soon arrived and let me tell you his face was priceless.
"Did you let children in to play or what?"

"Oh God no hi beautiful how are you? I am very disappointed"

"I will once you tell me what happened"

" Are you hungry"

"Baby don't change the subject"

"I am not". Oh boy trust be I am not. I head to the table waiting for him

"Hey where are you going we need to talk about how this all happened.....what is that?" He asks as I hand him the plate

" A microphone.... What do you think it is.... Read it"


"Read" I say with anticipation

"Congrats daddy you made me" he reads in a whisper
"I don't..... Oh my god.... Your.... Your..."

"Just say it already"

"Your pregnant"

"Yeh " I say feeling my tears sliding my cheeks

"Oh my god oh my god"

"Josh are you crying"

"No I am singing.... Of course I am crying I am going to be a father"

"Your not ready Josh I....."

"Not ready...... Of course not but I am excited as hell.... Baby we are going to be parents .... Aren't you happy"

"Of course I am I was just scared that you"

"Well that is nonsense I am ready for everything as long as you are with me" thank God

"I love you baby"

"And I you Josh"

"Oh God thank you thank you thank you. We need to tell the rest come-on"



"I have something else in mind" I say smiling.... Thank God it is Christmas

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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