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a warning for sexual content in this chapter

"Thanks for picking me up." Rose says to Harry as she climbs into his truck. She pulls out a ten dollar bill from her wallet and goes to give it to him but he stops her.

"You don't have to pay me." He says sternly.

"Are you sure?" She asks putting the money away.

"Yes, it's fine." He says before speeding out of her development onto the highway.

She wants to say something to him, anything to start a conversation and end this painful silence between them but she doesn't know what to say or how to say it. How can she talk with someone she loves madly like a friend. Her eyes start to water as she watches him snapchat other girls while he's driving but she pushes them back. She doesn't want him to know broken she is, but at the same time she does. How is he so unaffected by their breakup, he probably never loved her anyways.

They pull up to Nick's house being the first ones there. Nick opens the door and leads them out to his backyard. Soon enough another kid named Bryce shows up.

"Yeah i'm trying to get a fire started but my dad won't let me use lighter fluid so yeah." He laughs dropping wood by the fire pit.

"I feel like this probably won't work." Rose says looking over to Harry but he is too busy on his phone to even pay attention. She hates herself so much.

"Don't doubt me alright." He says putting the wood into the fire pit and stuffing magazine pieces around it. Harry bumps her shoulder exposing the sparklers he still has when they bought fireworks together.

"Should I?" He asks quietly.

"Yes." Rose says and smiles.

Soon enough three other people show up, Noah, Logan, and Bella and the fire still hasn't been started. By now it is starting to rain so Nick says for them to give up on the fire and go downstairs to his gaming room.

When they get down there Rose is the last to enter and the only spot left is next to Harry. She cautiously goes over and sits next to him.

"Why are you giving me this, i'm not good at Halo." Rose protests when and Xbox controller is placed in her hand.

"Well you gon learn today bitch." Nick says laughing.

"I hate this, I quit." Rose says after being killed by Nick probably a hundred times. She picks up a stray lollipop on the ground and throws it at him.

"Ow what the hell." He says and throws it back to her. Five minutes later various items is being thrown around the small room, Harry had smashed a rolled up sleeping bag against Roses face (which hurt a lot) and now she is clinging onto a pillow for protection.

"Hey we should go eat somewhere." Logan suggests but it is eleven o'clock and most restaurants are closed by now.

"We should go to Round The Clock Diner its open still." Harry suggests and everyone nods.

"Alright let's go." Nick says and everyone gets up.

When they get to the restaurant, everyone is probably assuming that they are all high as fuck because of the odd order request they all asked for. Logan and Harry both got hot fudge sundaes, Nick got pancakes and eggs, Bryce got some eggs and sausage with fries then Rose ordered chicken tenders with fries.

"Anyone want my cherry?" Harry asked and Rose said she did. "Okay here." He says then smashes it on her face getting left over whipped cream all over her face and chest and dropped the cherry onto the floor. Everyone stopped eating and looked over at them.

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