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a week has past since they last hung out, she has barely slept at all, she bribed her neighbor for some alcohol and got drunk the night before. She cries herself to sleep every night, nothing can stop this pain. The conversation she had had with Katie just minutes ago still rewind in her head.

"Rose I don't think Harry ever loved you. Liam told me Harry was planning on breaking up with you like right after prom."

Why would he drag it out for so long, what did she do to deserve that? She feels like dying, nothing is going right for her. She doesn't have anything to live for. She is a failure at being a daughter, a student, and a friend. She isn't special to anyone, she doesn't do anything good for anyone. She just wants to feel important.

Maybe they rushed into a relationship too fast, they did only know each other for not even a month when they started dating. But he is good with words and told her everything she wanted to hear. He promised to be friends but he won't even speak to her like one. Every lie he spoke dragged her into him more and more until he controlled her like the moon controls the tides. He broke down her walls she has built so high and strong to protect herself from trusting anyone. He never loved her and she isn't strong anymore, she is weak and pathetic. She is just a shell of who she used to be.

She even prayed to a faceless God she never believed in because she is so desperate for answers. She prayed for things to be okay, for him to love her again but God has never answered her prayers before. He wasn't there when her mother abused her, he wasn't there when she was being touched by her biological father's friends, so why would he be here now. She is worthless to the world, a disappointment. Not even the almighty and forgiving God cares about her pathetic life.

All she has now is the constant misery of hoping for something better, but knowing it will never come.

a/n im not doing so well guys okay byees

all the love, mariah

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