Chapter 1

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Meredith's Pov

"Hey sexy" Cindy yelled as I walked up to her new white Range Rover.
"What's up babe" I smiled.
I took a seat by the passenger side while Cindy started driving.

"So party today you coming" she wiggled her eyebrows in hope.

"Don't think so I'll be tired after the photo shoot for Calvin Klein" I relied.
She looked at me and pulled over.

"I can't go alone Meredith , I need my best friend" she said looking at me with her brown eyes.

Rolling my eyes I shoved my middle finger in her mouth.
"I'll go now can we get some breakfast?" I asked.

She took my hand out of her mouth and smirked.
"Sure but you need to clean your finger because it's coated in saliva"

In disgust I cleaned my finger with her shirt.
"Mer you're so gross eww"  she shrieked.

"I don't care let's just get my fucking food" I whined.
Nodding her head Cindy started driving again.
Thanking her I kissed her cheek.

"Cindy you taste like coconut" I laughed liking her cheek.

"Stop I'm ticklish" she laughed like a five year old.

Leaning back I closed my eyes until we reached our destination.

"McDonald's yesss" I screamed.

We hopped out of the car and walked into the fast-food restaurant.

"Meredith hot guy second booth checking you out" she whispered into my ear.

"Don't look" she warned but it was too late anyway.
He really was hot she wasn't lying but she knew I had a boyfriend.

"Too late he's hot but Manu is hotter" I smiled.

"You know you're not right but what ever I'll order your food" she smiled.

I took a seat next to the hotty's booth.
I knew he was staring at me and I know he won't stop anytime soon so I looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes how can I help you?"  I smiled.
"No how can I help you?" he winked.

"By telling me why you are staring at me since I walked in"
Leaning my arms on the table and looking at him amused I waited for an answer.

"You just caught my attention are you famous or?" he asked.

"Model Meredith Mickelson would you like to tell me who you are?" I asked while I  shaked his hand  and looked into his dark brown eyes getting lost in them.

"Wait you don't know me?" he asked.

"No but you look familiar are you the boy from the Starbucks down town?"
I was confused why on earth would he ask me.

"Ehm no I'm not the guy from Starbucks down town" he smiled.

"Then who are you?"
Now I was beyond curious.

"I'm Shawn Mendes a famous singer and songwriter" he explained

Then it hit me so damn hard.
"You're the Stitches guy oh my little sister adores you can you please do me a favour and say I love you Aurora?" I asked.


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I love you all

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