Chapter 5

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"I'm sorry he forced me to" the brunette tried to excuse.

"Cindy look I'm sick of people hurting me you've crossed the line and I think we should avoid each other for goodness sake"

I slam the door close and lock it for my own safety.
Debating if I should eat an apple or an orange I lean my head on the palm of my right hand.

Shit happens they say but it happens a lot to me.
I feel like a carpet everyone walks on.
Swiftly I reach for the Apple because, I'm too lazy and walk into my room.

As soon as I see my MacBook air I open Netflix and rewatch the final episode of Riverdale season one.

Let me tell you guys Riverdale is my shit if you make a sound while I'm watching it, you'll never be invited to my place again.

Twenty minutes into the episode i felt my phone vibrate next to me.
Shawn was calling.
Rolling my eyes I pause the episode and answer the phone.

"Hey I heard what happened.
  How are you?" he asks.

Do you know that one moment when you're ok and you've forgotten about something for a second but then someone asks if you're ok you start crying again.

"I'm fine" i lie without hesitation.

"Well you don't sound fine" he exclaims.

"Because I'm not fine I feel awful I loved him wait a second how do you know I only told Christine" I take a deep breath in and run my hand through my hair.

"Tmz" he says which makes me smile.

"Thank I'll call you back back"


I smile and continue watching Riverdale until I hear a sound.

Frightened I shut my Mac book down and walk down the stairs.
I grab a broom and into the living room.

"Oh hey Meredith" he stands up and takes a step closer to me.

"What are you doing here how did you get in?" I hold on tight to the broom ready to beat the shit out of him.

"How does it feel like when the whole world has pity on you" he laughs.

"Great at least they don't praise you for what you did to me now get out of my house before i call the police" I threaten him clenching my jaw.

"Look I was drunk Meredith" he yells wrapping his arm around my waist.
Hoping that I'll forgive him but i can't  he has face the consequent.

"You think you can walk into my house all bold and mighty then expect me to forgive you? out now right now" by this time I was hitting him with the broom I was holding the whole time.

"I'll leave but just that you know you're a slut begging for attention by kissing girl" he pushes me to the ground and leaves my house.

I lock every window , door or entrance in my house and walk upstairs grabbing my phone.

"Hey I need your help" I start
"What's wrong hun?"

"Where are you I'll visit you"

"Toronto I'll send you the address"

Who is she going to visit folks hahahah.
Love y'all

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