Monster Attack??

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I'm going to try and post new chapters every Wednesday and Saturday as well😜

Pearls Pov

I was sitting in the temple talking about other homework gems with garnet.*boom sound from outside*
"Garnet,amethyst come on Stevens out there"as we left the temple we heard a scream that sounded like lapis.That was enough I ran round to were lapis had just poofed seeing her gem almost shatterd I ran and gave it to Steven before returning to garnet and amethyst.I-it was a peridot but not just any peridot,I rememberedher she was the one who has come to earth with jasper and lapis,I was soo ready to poof her but garnet stopped me "no" that's all she said.Then peridot poofed and garnet picked up her gem and walked back to the temple.

Stevens Pov

When I got back with lapis's gem,garnet explained what happened I saw peridots gem on the couch.So what now "we wait" garnet calmly said.

~time skip~ 2 months

Stevens Pov

It's been 2 months and lapis still hasn't reformed.I'm really worried about her,but on the other hand peridot now lives at the barn and she's a lot nicer now.I just wish lapis was here to see this as well.*glowingfrom behind steven* "guys,guys lapis is about to reform!!"

Well guess you'll have to wait untill Saturday to find out what happens 😀
Sorry for such short chapters well
That's all got now
Lazuli out 😜💧

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