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I wake up and I see the same people above me but in a room. I right away stand up and say
"Where am I ? Who are you?"
Some guy still holding his camera
"Hi Im Jake paul. And this is team 10, we make videos for living"says Jake paul
"Okay, can you tell me what happened? I cant remember what time it is and what happened"I say
"Well everyone was outside and all we see is you running crying a lot and while you were running you just tripped and slid all the way to the other side of the sidewalk" says Jake
"Oh fuck, now I probably have cuts on my legs"I say
"Yeah you did but don't worry, Erika, our good friend cleaned the bloody ones for you" says Jake
"Wow, um thank you.. but I have a question"I say
"What may that be?" Person in the back asked
"Why are you all still recording me?"i say while someone turns on their flash light right in my face.
"Oh sorry, we all vlog" Jake says
"Vlog? What is a vlog?" I ask
"Its like a blog but instead of writing our life down, we show it in video"Jake says
"Oh um cool.. may I get up?"I ask
"Oh yeah sure sorry" Jake says while everyone finally breaks this circle around me.
I get up and I look around. Everyone is staring at me as if I'm an animal on the loose. I think to myself, why are they doing these videos?
"Should we give her some water?" Someone else from the back yells
"I actually would like some.." I say
"Okay I'll get it for you" says this girl
"Can you um.. introduce me? I'm kinda lost on who is who"i ask
"Oh sorry"say Jake
"That's Tristan tales" as Jake points at him. He's very tall, and smiles a lot. He isn't holding a camera. Which surprises me.
"I'm Nick crompton" says this British guy. He's next to me and doesn't smile. He kind of looks disappointed.
"Hi we the Martinez twins" says these twins that look so alike I cant tell them apart. They have this weird accent but they look like white boys. I'm soo confused.
I later on got introduced to also, Erika Costell, Tessa brooks, Chance and Anthony, Justin Roberts, Alex Lange & Some other people who were just introduced as "people who work here"
I'm confused. Their job is to film everything?
Their life cant be that interesting? Or can it?
"Hey would you like to crash in my room tonight? Its okay" Says Erika
"Wow thank you.. I actually don't know. Did I drop my phone when I fell?"I ask
"Well we didn't see any phone on you"says Erika
"Fuck, I don't know where I am and my mom is probably worried... Actually maybe not"I say
"Why wouldn't she be? How old are you?"ask Erika so confused her eyebrows are tighter than my thong.
"My mom doesn't like me and always wanted me gone, my dad is dead. I'm an only child. I'm 16 turning 17 soon"I say with confidence. I used to cry every time I say those words.
"Oh I'm sorry. Do you want my phone to contact your mom?"Erika asks
"No, she wont care trust me"I say
"Are you sure?"ask Tessa that's sitting next to me.
"Yes" I say and look away
*Erikas room*
Once I get in here I feel this warmth, it's the cleanest spot in the house.
I look around and it's just so clean I'm confused why she would want someone as dirty as me in here.
"Here's some clothes that is too tiny on me, maybe will fit you. The shower is over here" as Erika opens the door to the bathroom
"Take your time and sorry for all those cameras"says Erika
She walks out before saying anything else or letting me say thank you. I walk to the bathroom and take all my clothes off and look in the mirror. I'm a mess. My hair was in this nasty bun, my mascara is everywhere in my face, and my shirt is ripped up.
I hop in the shower and soak in the warm water that is making me relaxed.

"Caught in the scene" chapter 1.Where stories live. Discover now