"Rudeness can turn into kindness"

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As we are in an uber van, us 5 are singing on the top of our lungs. Probably annoying the driver but who knows.
*everyone singing*
Tessa and I are holding hands and just singing so loud my throat is about to burn. Tessa is so beautiful it makes me smile so hard.
The twins don't know the lyrics so they are just humming the beat but they also say some words that they think is the word in the song but isn't.
Nick is looking at us oddly and is singing but still doesn't seem happy.

*at the restaurant*
We all sit at this booth and I go in first. I thought Tessa was behind me but looks like she wasn't. One of the twins sit next to me and then the other. Tessa and nick sit on the other side.
We all have a good time talking and the waiter comes and we ordered. I realized I don't have money on me so I order something very light and easy and super cheap. After the waiter leaves Tessa asked me
"So are you planning on moving in with us?"
Nick looks at me and has a blank face that I can't even read. The twins are also looking at me and I feel very uncomfortable.
"I mean I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing"I say stuttering and feeling like a complete idiot.
"Its fine, don't feel pressured" says one of the twins with such a thick accent at first I didn't understand.
"So what's your first language?" I asked the twins knowing very well they aren't from here.
"Spain, we speak Spanish" says the other twin.
"Oh I speak Spanish also. But can you tell me who is who? I'm so lost ahaha" I say.
"I'm Emilio. I am the one with the long eyebrows and chubby face"says Emilio.
"I'm ivan, and I have a better jawline then him" says ivan.
I don't know if they are joking, they still look the same. But now I can kind of tell them apart. Emilio is the one sitting next to me & ivan is at the end of this booth.
The food comes and we all get ready to eat. I have this nice dish of chicken soup, surprisingly its super good for a cheap dish.
Emilio is reaching to grab the salt but can't reach, I go reach for it and give it to him. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back blushing a bit, I don't know why, it's just passing salt. I'm so dramatic I swear.
After we all eat we relax and keep talking. Nick finally says something to me.
"Miranda. How old are you?"
I don't know if should be offended or not.
"I'm 16 years old" I say kinda confused.
"Oh what a nice age. So where are your parents? Why aren't they worried for you huh?" Nick attacks me. I feel very unsafe now. Tessa smacks nick on the hand and he gets even more mad.
"No, the fact that she doesn't have her parents worried for her is getting me mad. And she's over here doing crazy things. She could be doing drugs and we don't even know it" says nick almost yelling.
Emilio looks at me confused. He probably doesn't understand too much. I'm tearing up.
After 3 minutes of staring at him I own up.
"My dad is dead, my mom is bipolar, my brother died. And my boyfriend from a 2 year relationship cheated on me. Not only that, my mom hates me, she's tried to kill me 3 FUCKING TIMES ALREADY" I say with anger.
Emilio is still looking at me and grabs my hand under the booth. Knowing that I have a terrible life.
I'm not done. I also yell
"I DONT EVEN HAVE A HOME. Guess where I live? Behind this garbage place. My mom doesn't have a job and lives in her car. She wont even let me sleep in there. Okay?!"
Nick looks at me surprised, and his eyes wide open.
"I was failing high school. The school has tried to put me in foster care but never had the chance. I dropped out before they could do anything"I say looking down.
Tessa is looking at me now like she doesn't even know me.
Emilio is still holding my hand & ivan is just staring at me.
I think ivan knows Emilio is holding my hand because he keeps looking down under the booth.
"I'm very very sorry. I just thought you were some crazy chick who created this---" I cut him off
"You thought wrong"
I start crying and Emilio hugs me. Tessa is whispering something to Nick and Nick gets up and leaves. Tessa reaches across the table and holds my other open hand.
"I'm very sorry about his attitude. He's used to only being used. No one we know lives the life like you" says Tessa.
"Its fine" I say
I take a napkin and clean my eyes and Emilio and I are still hugging.
Ivan gets up and moves to the other side of the booth next to Tessa. Emilio gets up and says
"Come with me"
I get up so confused and Tessa gave me the look that its fine.
Emilio leads me outside and takes me to the store next door. It's a frozen yogurt place. Emilio smiles at me and tells me I can get whatever I want. I got something light again and easy. He payed for me and I thanked him.
We sit down and he just keeps staring at me.
"Well ahah so how are you doing?"I say.
"So you probably don't know this but we are famous"says Emilio laughing, he also said that out of the blue.
I start laughing because it's a obvios joke.
"Yeah okay" I say laughing so hard and lightly slap Emilio on the hand.
He looks at me chuckling and says
"You don't believe me huh?" With a light accent.
"Nope"I say.
"Well look here"he says smiling in an evil way.
He pulls out his phone and shows me the App Instagram. I had an iPhone 5, that I stole from someone in school, but I think I lost it while running. I did have Instagram but I never used it. He shows me his followers and I can't believe it. He has 3 million followers and close to 4 million.
"No way"I say
"Yup that's me" he says
"Nope, that's not you. It someone else named like you and that looks like you"I say.
We both start laughing hard and we have a nice night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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