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Laugher is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever.
- Walt Disney


I close the door after thanking the delivery guy and lock it.

I sigh.

I'm glad he agreed to come eat pizza with me. I don't know this guy too well yet but he does seem really nice. He's got that hint of trouble but not anything I'm against, can't really say I'm perfect either.

I walk up the stairs with light steps, leaving a trail of lovely pizza aroma behind. As I walk inside the room I see my PS4 switched on, the TV showing the menu from Battlefield. Tristan is currently changing one of my classes, thankfully the one I never use. I close the door and walk up to him to hand him his pizza.

He opens it, "Whoa, what's this?"

I sit down on the sofa with my pizza in my lap, opening mine as well, "This, my friend, is the Swedish version of a kebab pizza." I glance up at him, seeing him already looking at me.


I nod.

"You're Swedish?"

I nod again.

He points at me as if he just solved a puzzle, "Well that explains the foreign vibe you gave off."

"Uh... well yeah, mom's Swedish so..." I nod.

He takes a bite of the pizza and moans. I snicker at him. I made him moan, hah.

I need to stop.

"This is golden, thank you."

I take a bite of my pizza as well, "You're welcome."

After swallowing the pizza bite I decide to find out more about Tristan.

"So you're a senior, right?" He nods. "Let me guess, you're on the football team as well?"

He smirks, the crease below his eyes appearing softly, "is it that easy to tell?" He lifts his arm and starts to flex, making me laugh.

"Oh my god, stop. I didn't refer to those guns of yours, more your basic vibe that's oh so vibrant." His mouth opens, letting a gasp slip through as he hold his hand on his chest.

"I am not that basic! These were made out of sweat, tears and blood!" He implied, flexing once again, "That's called dedication. I'm all original, baby."

Another laugh escapes from me, and my eyes discreetly observes his indeed visible muscles. I'm not gonna lie, of course I like what I see. I'm a straight girl who's 17 years old, let me have my hormones released, goddamnit!

Wow why did that sound so wrong.
I need help.
I really do.

I look him in the eye, "Not gonna lie, you've impressed me." My comment brings his smirk back to life, making me chuckle a bit, "But have you seen this?" I bring my right arm up, flexing the seemingly pathetic muscles I've got left.

"Oh man!" He shakes his head, eyes wide open, "that's . . . that's not awful." I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah, this is dedication as well." I tell him, reciting what he just told me a minute ago.

"I can tell." He implies before taking another bite of his pizza. I do the same, but after a while he gestures towards the TV, "One on one me."

I raise my eyebrows at him, a grin forming on my face, "You sure you're ready for that?"

He snorts at me. How dare he snort at me? "I'm sure."

I shrug, dusting the pizza crusts from my hands and grab my other controller, my lips curving upwards into a twisted smirk, "You're on."

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