1. Bulbul and the Professor...

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"Nooooo...!" A girl shouted. "It's mine and you can't have it!"

"Bulbul!" Someone shook her. "Bulbul! Wake up!"


"Bulbul!" the voice said. "Wake up! You're dreaming!"

"Two more minutes, Maa!" she said and drifted back to sleep.

Then Bulbul felt her body being shaken vigorously.

"Get up!"

Bulbul Arora finally opened her eyes.

"What?!" She shouted at the person who obviously had nothing better to do than disturb her rest.

Her head turned, to take in her surroundings, and slowly realized she wasn't in her bed! She was in school...Math class to be precise....and was horrified to see the entire class staring at her, most of them trying to contain their laughter.

OMG Bulbul! She said to herself. You fell asleep in class again!

She gave them a somewhat goofy, embarrassed smile and then turned to glare at Purvi, her best friend, who was suppressing a smile.

"Good Morning, Miss Arora!" Someone said to her. "Now that 'Sleeping Beauty' has gotten her rest, would it be possible for her to stay awake for the remainder of this class?"

Bulbul turned toward the voice.

Professor Abhishek Mehra stood at the front, staring at the student in his class with the shortest attention span. He had been lecturing here for five years now and not once had he ever come across a student like her...easily bored and always getting into some trouble or the other. She was a good-natured, spirited girl and but in his opinion, she needed to apply some of that spirit into her education! She wasn't totally delinquent when it came to her studies, but she could use a little improvement on her "just good enough to graduate" grades.

"Yes Sir" she assured him. "I am well rested now."

"Good" he replied and went back to teaching.

This was about the third time she had been caught sleeping in his class, Bulbul thought. It wasn't her fault. His lectures were really boring! She didn't hate him or anything. It's just that, when he started his lectures, she tended to go into "Lullaby Mode".

She couldn't help it! His teaching just had that effect on her ...and Math was never really a subject she was interested in. Bulbul didn't even know how she ended up taking this class! So it was double boring for her!

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