4. What have I done?

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Abhi wasn't one hundred percent sure he heard right.

His Dadi said something and he reacted based on what he thought she said.

Maybe he had heard it wrong.

"I'm sorry, Dadi..what did you say?" He asked.

"I want you to marry my friend's grand-daughter." she repeated.

Oh, so he had heard it right the first time!

Dadi usually cooked up all kinds of crazy plans...like that time she wanted to audition for a movie role as the heroine's elder sister....maybe this was one of those times.

Abhi laughed.

"Good one, Dadi." he remarked, but then saw the expression on her face...

Dadi wasn't smiling.

"You're... not joking, are you?" he asked cautiously.

Dadi shook her head.

"No, I'm very serious." she said. "I think it's time you settled down."

Abhi was starting to panic a little on the inside.

"Dadi, how can I get married?!" he asked.

"It's not that hard, Beta. All you need is a girl, Punditji and a mandap." she replied smartly. "And of course, your Dadi will be there to witness it, along with your family members." Abhi looked at her.

"Dadi!" he whined "You know what I mean. All these things are not for me. I don't want any of it.

"Who says that it's not for you." she argued. "My grandson deserves to be happy!"

"I am happy, Dadi." he said softly. "I'm happy on my own, by myself."

Abhi knew his grandmother worried alot about him, but marriage was not for him. He didn't want to bring another person into his sad, miserable world. They would have expectations of him he really couldn't meet. He couldn't be an ideal husband. He had too much emotional baggage and he didn't want any woman to have to share in it. It's best he continue to live the way he always has...alone. Besides, he wouldn't even be able to talk to her properly without feeling like running for the hills.

What kind of married life was that, where the husband was too shy to talk to the woman he was supposed to share a life with? It was a disaster just waiting to happen!

Dadi knew her grandson was hurting, but there was no way she was going to let him remain that way. He deserved to lead a happy life. He deserved to have someone to share his happiness and his sorrows with. Most importantly, he deserved to have someone fill his life with so much love, that it would overshadow all the bad memories he had kept alive in his heart so far. She was not going to let him lead a lonely life! If she had to drag him to his wedding herself, she would do it.

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