Where's The Line

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When did bullying become a way to show affection?

When did I hate him turn into you must like him?

When did tugging on my hair and pushing me in the hallway turn into a sign of a love?

What happened to pulling a chair out for me or complimenting my outfit? Telling me I look pretty and holding the door open for me?

There's a fine line between love and hate but the line has disappeared and the two opposites have become one. When I was young I was told if he's mean to you that means he likes you. Now I'm older and my brain is wired to believe that the boy in the corner, the one with the glare, likes me. His dark outfit and colorful language I find appealing. His attention is mine one day then I'm ignored the next and it doesn't bother me. Making a fool out of me in front of everyone is just his way of showing he cares right? I'm convinced these kind of boys like me, the ones that treat me like crap.

He makes me laugh then makes me cry, my eyebrows are constantly furrowed in anger yet the smile on my face remains. What happened to raising boys to be like gentlemen? Where are all these assholes coming from? They can treat their mom's like queens but they can't treat their girls like princesses?

We're trick into loving abusers and cheaters, heartbreakers and sweet talkers. They say hate is a strong word but so is love, so how did it become one in the same, embraced by modern times and encouraged by the masses?

When did I hate him turn into I like him?

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