Reflection chapter 9

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When Kuroko calmed down he fell into a deep sleep. Akashi turned to looked at the three people who were still in his room.

"Sorry but can you all leave for today. I'll take care on Tetsumi." Akashi said.

"But..." Ayane looked at them.

"Please, just for today." Akashi said.

"Let's go Ayanechan. We'll come back tomorrow." Mibuchi pulled Ayane away. Mayuzumi followed.

When the door closed Akashi looked down at Kuroko. Who had fallen asleep after shaken and crying. He still had a pain expression on his face like he was having a nightmare. Akashi held him tighter.

He and Kuroko both laid on the bed together. Akashi carefully pulled the blanket covering both of them.

That night Akashi woke up by Kuroko having a nightmare.

"No...I'm me..." Kuroko had a pain expression tears fell from his eyes.

"Help me..." Kuroko was struggling.

Akashi stood up and shook him.

"Tetsumi. Tetsumi wake up." Akashi shook her gently.

Kuroko eyes flutter open. He saw Akashi face near him that his eyes widen.

"Hey! It's okay. I didn't do anything. It okay. You were having a nightmare." Akashi calmed him down.

"Akashi..." Kuroko said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Akashi asked him. Kuroko looked at him then he looked down unable to answer.

"It's fine if you don't want to. But my mother said if you talk it out with someone you'll feel much better." Akashi said.

"Um...Akashi why are you here..." Kuroko said.

"Do you not want me to me here. I'll leave you alone." Akashi stood up to leave.

But Kuroko quickly held onto his sleeve.

"U-um in sorry for being rude. I-its not like I'm hiding it. If you really said it will help me...Will you listen..?" Kuroko looked at him. Akashi smiled and sat back down.

"Then go ahead." Akashi smiled.

"" Kuroko thought of it was really okay to tell Akashi about himself. But he won't tell Akashi he's a boy. He felt scared what would happen if he told.

"When I was little I was force to become the perfect daughter for mother. Father would always watch as i practice arts and literature as girls would do. If I were to fail I would be whip." Kuroko said.

"One day when father was introducing me to a family member I accidenly spilled the tea on them and father was enraged. He beaten and whip me nonstop and threw me in the dark storage house." Kuroko hugged himself shaking.

"I was scared. It was total pitch black. I looked for a way out but I couldn't. No matter how much I scream or shouted no one came. Mother didn't even come saved me I was alone." Kuroko tear up again. Akashi pulled Kuroko into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to tell me something that scary.It's okay your not alone now. I'll protect you. Don't cry. You and me are alike." Akashi said.

"Alike?" Kuroko looked at him.

"I was also hit. Whenever I did something wrong my father would beat me with a cane. I had to be perfect. If I don't he'll hit me really hard until I did it perfect." Akashi said.

"I'm sorry...but I when I first met Akashi-San when I was little he was a nice man." Kuroko said.

"Wait you met my father?" Akashi looked at him.

"Yeah. He came to our house as a guest a long time ago. My father and Akashi-San was great friends. But I remember meeting you once." Kuroko said.

"We met?" Akashi looked shocked.

"yeah..I remember." Kuroko said.

Akashi thought and thought about when did he meet Tetsumi. Cause from what he remember he remember meeting a boy not a girl.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember when we met. I only remember meeting your brother." Akashi said.

"My brother?...Oh I see..." Kuroko looked a bit sad.

"I'm sorry. Tetsumi now that I think about it what's your brother name. I haven't seen him when we visit you house." Akashi asked.

Kuroko flinch. He played with his fingers.

"His name is Kuroko Tetsuya. But he died when I was born." Kuroko but his lips.

"O-oh I'm sorry." Akashi apologized.

"Um Akashi how did you live a life like this. People forcing you to be who you don't want to be and never listening to you." Kuroko change the subject.

Akashi looked at him for a second thinking of what to say.

"That's because I had Ayane." Akashi smiled.

"Ayane? Oh your girlfriend..." Kuroko felt a pain in his chest for some reason.

"Yeah, Ayane was there when I was having a hard time. She was always there for me. That's why I fell in love with her. We both plan to get married." Akashi had a warm smiled.

"Is it because of me.." Kuroko played with his fingers again.

Akashi looked at him and shook his head.

"It's not your fault this is my choice. I told you once we get married we can do whatever we want. I would introduce you to some of my friends. In sure you'll have lots of fun. Beside you might find someone you love." Akashi said.

"Someone I love....what happen once I find someone I love." Kuroko looked at Akashi.

"We'll get a divorce and you'll be with the one you love. You and me will take separate path and you'll be free." Akashi said.

"Divorce.." Kuroko fiddle with his hands more.

Kuroko had this uneasiness feeling inside of him. He thought about what Akashi said. Once he find someone Akashi and him will get a divorce. Was this really okay?

 Was this really okay?

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