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Just a week. We were only supposed to be staying in this place, this "Pink Palace" for a one, measly week. There was something there, something Supernatural that Sam and Dean wanted to investigate. We had moved in, basically. Dean carrying in a few boxes of books and Sam with his laptop and radios and other ghost hunting technology. I carried my bag, Sam's bag and Dean's bag. They had forgotten their own clothes in all the rush.

"So kids go missing from this house. The woman who owns it has stopped selling to people with children." Sam looked around, then down at the letter we had received a few days after contacting the owner. "She said her sister went missing, her twin. Never to be seen again. No one believed her stories about... the other world." Sam looked around the old, old house.

"Well. Let's get to work!" Dean said, dropping the last box of books. I watched as Sam began looking through the books, Dean grabbed the tech stuff and headed off into the house.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked Sam. He looked up from the book he was reading and stared for a moment.

"We don't know what we're dealing with, Nellwyn." He said, carrying a pile of books past me. I made a face. He sighed. "Why don't... you go outside, see if anything feels off." He said. It was foggy and gray outside. But I nodded, Sam barely noticed as I walked out the door.

I remembered that Sam had mentioned a well. He thought that maybe this well was the source of the problem but wasn't 100%. I decided to track this well down. I wandered down the path with the strange feeling that I was being followed. I glanced behind me every now and then but, ultimately, Made my way to a large clearing. I sighed, I was getting no where.

"Alright Nell..." I put my hands to my head and closed my eyes, concentrating. "Maybe you can use your powers to find this well-" My eyes shot open and stared into the large blue eyes of a cat. I jumped back when it meowed at me. "You scared me... mangy cat..." I grumbled, turning around and letting out another scream of surprise. A boy was there.

"Whoa, sorry." He chuckled. I glared, kicking a stick from the ground and catching it in my hand, pointing it at him as if it were a weapon.

"I don't appreciate being stalked." I snapped.

"Wasn't stalking anyone." The boy crossed his arms. He wouldn't have been more than 18, a year or so older than me. I dropped my guard.

"Look. I'm just looking for a well." I spun the stick in my hand absentmindedly.

"Well if you're not careful you'll fall right in." He motioned to the ground at my feet. I looked around at the small circle of mushrooms I was in.

"Oh!" I stepped out of it and he bent down, moving mud and dirt and revealing the top.

"They say it's so deep, if you fall in, you'll look up and see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day." He grinned.

I gave the boy an amused smirk before looking at the plain, nearly rotted wooden cover.

"Why are you looking for this old well anyway?" The boy asked. I looked up at him.

"Oh. I... I just heard rumors." I lied.

"Oh. Are you... in that house there?" Down the hill you could see the Pink Palace. I nodded at him. "My grandmother owns that place. I'm surprised she let someone with a kid move in." He stretched. I glared a bit.

"I'm more mature than you'll ever be." I crossed my arms.

"Alright Miss Mature. What's your name?" He asked.

"Tell me yours first." I said defensively.

"Wybie. Short for Wyborn." He shrugged. I made a face. "What'd you get stuck with?" He turned away to pet the cat.

Featuring: Nellwyn Spencer-WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now