The Shining

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 Dean Winchester sat across from the man with a fake smile on his face. The man in the room nodded at him.

"I think you'll be a great fit here." said the man.

"Ah, thank you very much." Dean nodded, trying to hide how nervous he was.

"So you and your family would be staying here through the winter when we closed down. How many of you are there again?"

"Just me, my little brother Sam and our little sister Nellwyn." Dean nodded.

"Alright." The man nodded back with a smile.

"So I have the job?" Dean asked.

"Welcome aboard, Mr. Winchester." The man shook Dean's hand. Dean's face lit up at a successful first job interview, even if it was just for a hunt.

The man settled back into his seat.

"Is there anything you want to know?" He asked.

"Well... why is it that you close down during the winter? No Skiers?" Dean asked with a chuckle. The man cleared his throat.

"Ah, it was just... strange things happen around here during the winter seasons." The man said. Dean leaned in a bit.

"Like what?"

Nellwyn looked up from the couch when Sam walked into the room, hanging up the phone after a quick goodbye.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Dean got that job. The one at the hotel." Sam explained. "So we're going to stay there and hunt the thing inside."

"Hunt?" Nellwyn sat up. "How long are we staying?"

"We have the whole winter." Sam said. Nellwyn nodded slowly. "Dean's coming back tonight, we're going to pack up and head to the hotel."

"What Hotel?"

"The Overview. There's a lot of strange stories surrounding it." Sam was saying as he sat beside Nellwyn.

Nellwyn hummed and leaned back in her chair.

"Dean will be back within the week." Sam explained. Nellwyn nodded and got up from where she was sitting.

"Okay. I'm going to go pack then." she smiled, pushing some auburn hair out of her bright green eyes.

"Alight. I'm going to do some more research on this place." Sam nodded to her as she walked out. Nellwyn moved down the hall and slipped into her room, closing the door behind her. She took a breath, suddenly feeling very off. She tried to shake away the sensation, going over to grab her bag and opening a drawer of her dresser. She looked up at herself in the mirror and her the whites of her eyes flushed black, her iris turning completely white. She was staring at a large amount of blood, pouring like a waterfall out of an elevator at the end of some strange hall. It was coming right for her. She looked around. There was no where to go. Her heart was racing, why was she so scared?

Nellwyn let out a loud scream and Sam shot out of his chair instantly, looking towards her room.

"Nellwyn!?" He shouted, rushing towards her room. He pushed the door open and found her on the floor, gripping her head tightly. "Nellwyn!" Sam dropped to his knees beside her and rolled her over so her could see her face. She stared blankly ahead with those black and white eyes, and started convulsing. "Hey. Hey, what's going on?" He tried to calm her seizing and looked around. "CASTIEL!" He called out as Nellwyn went completely still, cold and unconscious. Sam picked her up and laid her down on her bed, leaning down to listen for her breathing. It was subtle, but there.

Featuring: Nellwyn Spencer-WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now