Alice In Wonderland

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Dean and Sam and I sat near the Impala after our case. Children had started falling into deep comas and then dying with symptoms of decapitation, although their heads were still intact, and we did everything by what Dean considered 'The Book'. The disappearances seemed to have stopped.

"Are you sure it's over?" I looked up at Dean from my spot on the ground, he finished taking a sip from his beer.

"Yeah. It's over. Trust me." He sighed.

"How did you stop it?" Sam asked. Dean froze a little.

"I... Handled it." He said. I gave him a look.

"Handled it? What was the monster?" I asked, turning around curiously.

"Don't worry about it, kid." Dean said, tossing his empty beer bottle into a trashcan. I gave him a look then shrugged it off. Sam rolled his eyes, I could tell he would talk to Dean later.

"Okay." I sighed, looking off into the distance as Dean told Sam to pass him another beer. Sam went behind the Impala to the trunk.

"I think we're out." Sam called.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked, going back to check. I looked back, hearing them arguing about beer math or something, when something else caught my eye.

I'd always loved animals. I watched the little white rabbit hop across the empty road.

"How cute... A rabbit in a trench coat." I muttered. Then I froze. "And... And a pocket watch." I watched it stop and check the time.

"I'm late!" It hissed to itself. I blinked. That was unusual, very unusual. I ran at it, some of the kids I talked to had mentioned a rabbit before they disappeared. The rabbit looked over and saw me.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Stop!" I screamed as it hopped forward once more.

"I'm late, young lady! I have no time!" It hopped forward again.

"I have to talk to you!" I walked towards it again.

"Nellwyn?" Dean and Sam had noticed I had wandered away from the car. The rabbit blinked.

"I have to go! Goodbye my girl, I'm late." The rabbit hopped away.

"Wait!" I yelled.

"What's going on?" Sam made his way over to me. I pointed at the woods.

"The rabbit. The white rabbit!" I yelled running after it.

"Nellwyn!" Dean called after me urgently.

I hopped over large roots and ducked under branches.

"I'm late, my dear, no time to play!" The rabbit was saying.

"I know! If you just..." I huffed and tripped, falling face first onto the leaves and into the mud. "Stop..." I sighed. The rabbit looked back at me.

"You want to know?" The rabbit asked.

"Yes. Where did you take all those children." I asked. The rabbit looked down at the watch.

"Well you'll have to come with me. I'm late, after all. I'm late. The queen..." The rabbit shivered. "I'm late!" He said again, running off. I scrambled up again and started running, hearing Sam and Dean's shouts behind me.

"Mr. Rabbit! If you would just!" I made a noise of frustration. The rabbit disappeared behind a tree. I didn't see it continue on. I assumed it was trying to hide from me.

I moved carefully towards the tree.

"Mr. Rabbit. I found you." I huffed.

"Nell!" I turned around, Sam and Dean running with guns towards me. I looked back and motioned for them to be quiet. They stopped.

Featuring: Nellwyn Spencer-WinchesterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora