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We're Engaged

Scotland's pov***

"Hey what is up you guys Scotland and Colby here" I said as I put my arm around Colby shoulders and pulled him closer.

"So as you may know we're engaged and if you didn't know then guess what? We're engaged" Colby said and picked my hand up so I could show my ring to the camera.

"Ya and a lot of you guys have been tweeting us questions and stuff so we decided just to film a video and answer all your questions" I said.

"Ya so the first question I found was how long are we going to be engaged for?" Colby said.

"Well I told her make it how ever the hell you want and just let me know when and where to show up" he added.

"That did not answer the question but okay. I don't want a super long engagement. I know some people can be engaged for years and years but I think maybe the longest I'd want to be engaged is a year" I said.

"Ya it doesn't really matter to me whether it's a year or 5 years it doesn't matter but i feel like if you're engaged for a long time then you also have a better chance of cancelling your engagement"

"True. Okay a question I found was when the hell did we get engaged?" I said.

"I proposed the day we came back from Spain because I did ask her mom first since her dad isn't around and her mom was not able to take the time off work to go to the quince in Spain so I called her mom the day we came back and asked her and she said yes so I did it"

"Ya and I did want to address that in one of my pictures I was wearing a ring on my ring finger but it wasn't a special ring it was just a ring I liked"

"No i think that was your way of dropping a hint" Hayden said from behind us.

"Hayden when the hell did you get in here?" I asked.

"Well you said you couldn't hangout right now because you had to film so I'm waiting"

"In my room?" Colby asked.

"You guys suck im going to go hangout with Aaron" Hayden said before leaving the room.


"When are we moving in together" Colby read from his phone.

"We've actually lived together for a while since like a couple weeks before we went to Spain" I said.

"Ya I wanted her to live with me but I wasn't ready to move out and leave all my roommates so I asked her to move in with me and my roommates and I know Hayden wouldn't want to live by herself so she moved into the spare bedroom we have"

"Ya and both Hayden and I are really good friends with all of Colby's roommates so it wasn't like a stranger just moved into their house" I said.

"Okay so a question that a lot of people had was are any Scolby babies coming?" Colby said and we looked at each other.

"Actually there's something we need to tell you guys" I said.

"Yup not only are we engaged but we're also.....not pregnant" Colby said.

"Ya I don't know where people suddenly got the idea that I was pregnant but people were also tweeting me that" I said.

"Well we know where they got it but we don't know how that person came up with it"

"Ya that's completely stupid but anyway do you want kids?" I asked Colby.

"Ummm ya I do. I haven't really thought of it though"

"I do but I don't. Like I'm good with babies and I know I could take care of one but the whole pregnancy part is what scares me. No the pregnancy part doesn't scare me the actual labor part is what scares me"

"I think I'd only want one or two" Colby said.

"Same here"

"Okay so the last question that literally every single person was tweeting me was why did we get engaged so young?" Colby asked.

"Okay well the reason I said yes was because we have been together for a year which I know isn't as long as most couples but within the year of being with him I've learned that we are so similar. We listen to the same music, we both do social media, we like a lot of the same things so I just fell so in love with him and thought to my self his boy is me and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Plus......I mean look at him. Who wouldn't want to wake up next to him every morning" I said looking at him and he wigged his eyebrows.

"Ya same here I relate to Scotland so much and since I first saw her i mean i hate to say this since she was 16 but I really thought she very attractive and when we first started dating I was like I need this girl to be by my side for the rest of my life" he said.

"And I'm very aware that like we're young and 1 in like 1,000 people who date someone as a teen stay together forever. I'm very well aware that everyone goes through like 10 breakups before finding the person they will spend the rest of their lives with and throughout the whole time I was with Colby up until a few months ago I wouldn't really think about settling down with him because I would just think to myself like we're not gonna be together forever I know I'll probably be with 3 or 4 other people before finding my soul mate but then I started getting to know him more and thought to myself that I don't see myself ever being able to live without this boy" I said.

"Ya I would think of the same thing and to me it's like, we knew we were probably not going to be together forever but being on social media you have like 35 hundred thousand other people telling you the same thing and people did tell us that throughout our entire relationship and still do but we just started to get to know each other more and I feel like we're meant to be"

"Ya so to everyone who supports us and follows our journey together we love you so much and thank you for your support. If you don't support us or want to leave hate then fuck you" I said.

"Well said"

"Make sure to give this video a thumbs up if you like it and follow Colby and I on our socials. I love you all so much. Bye"

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Username1: don't listen to what everyone says they're just jealous of your relationship. You guys are perfect for each other.

Username2: people will find any reason to hate on you Scott. If Liza and David would have gotten engaged after a year of being together everyone would be happy

Username3: can't wait for the wedding

Username4: I really don't think they're getting married.

Username5: am I the only one who thinks they're doing this for publicity?

Username6: you guys should make a channel together and post daily vlogs.

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