Tiberius Blackthorn Catch Up

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What Are You?-
Half Shadowhunter, half werewolf

How You First Met-
Y/N:Your name
Y/H/T:Your home town
Y/F/F:Your favourite food
Y/F/D:Your favourite drink
Y/F/M:Your favourite movie
Y/W/M:Your warlock mark
You chewed your lip as you approached the LA Institute. Your mother had tossed you out of your home after you decided you wouldn't support the Cold Peace, and attempted to Portal to Wrangel Island to free Helen, probably a bad plan, but you didn't care, you wanted to be a rebel, it was the easiest way. Your mother, who had lost her parents to the faeries during the Dark War, had lost it, and kicked you out, and your father had told you to go to the LA Institute, that you would be safe there. So, after killing many demons on the way, you had reached the Institute, and, as you approached the door, you started not wanting to knock, almost as if you were shy. You narrowed your eyes and snarled at yourself, they were just Shadowhunters, Shadowhunters who had good reason to hate the Cold Peace. You felt your mind arguing with itself, one side pointing out every possible thing that could go wrong, the other basically yelling 'YOU WILL BE FINE.' You sighed and walked up to the door, and, being the stupidly shy person you had apparently become upon reaching the Institute, you knocked on the door. There was an extremely loud bang from inside, and you heard much hushed whispers, then a whole bunch of footsteps, and then the door clicked open to reveal Tiberius Blackthorn, who seemed to be glaring at the kitchen, where your keen werewolf hearing could still hear whispers, though you couldn't hear it clearly enough to decipher it.
He narrowed his eyes, you could see his twin staring over at you, you were certain she hadn't wanted him answering the door for some reason. "Who are you?" He asked.
"Uhh, Y/N Lostheart," you mumbled your last name, no one was proud of being a Lostheart, they had been forced to take the name after five generations had turned tail and ran from wars, apparently being forced to take such a name had slapped them into focus trying to earn back honour.
"Lostheart? Why would a Lostheart be in Los Angeles?" He looked genuinely confused, so you didn't make a comment on how you weren't exactly welcome in Las Vegas, the Clave's favourite way to insult your family was by taunting them on how they had been barred from Las Vegas after they'd left the Las Vegas Institute for the rouge warlocks about ten generations ago, you still couldn't go there.
"I made a not so smart attempt at standing up the Cold Peace," you replied, "and my mother caught me and kicked me out onto the curb."
He just looked more confused. "How did you 'stand up' the Cold Peace?"
Something about the way he said that made it click in your mind. This kid was autistic. Your father had made you learn about different sorts of mental illnesses, because if the Dark War had gone wrong, he was going to make you live as a mundane, for your own safety. He wasn't going to understand you if you used sayings like that all the time
"I mean, like, I made a stand against it, I may or may not have tried to Portal to Wrangle Island, and take Helen and Aline back home with me, and I may have had a faery help me. Mum didn't approve," you replied.
"Oh," he studied you, as if seeing you in a different light now that you'd said that. "Well-"
Livvy rushed forward, you had a feeling she didn't approve of you somehow. "Please, come in, I'll introduce you to Emma, and Julian!" She yelled Emma and Julian's names. A crash came from one of the rooms across from you. More whispering. Emma walked out.
You had a feeling this was going to be very, very interesting.

How He First Asked You Out-
He never really did, he just invited you to go lizard hunting with him, and the two of you ended up kissing each other

Family and Last Names-
Last Name:Lostheart
History On That Name:The Lostheart family, previously known as the Swiftheart family, was, to put in bluntly, a disgrace from Jefferson Swiftheart's generation to his great great great great granddaughter's generation. They were cowards, though they were once famous for courage and power. Jefferson was head of the Las Vegas Institute, but when rouge warlocks attacked, he took his pregnant wife, their three young children, and ran, leaving it to the locals to defend the Institute, though they won, the casualty rate was to high for someone to go unpunished. Jefferson was stripped of his Marks, though his wife was left alone. Cowardice like this repeated for five generations until they were forced to take the name Lostheart, for they were considered heartless for turning and running. That made them stop. Now they fight to earn back the name Swiftheart, though everyone has forgotten that name anyhow. They are still not allowed in Las Vegas.
Family:Your parents, Carla Lostheart, and Jake Lostheart, and your favourite cousins who live in Australia, and visit about ten times a year, Aunt Merida and Aunt Liana, and their adopted girls Stellar and Lunar

Things You Teach Each Other-
You teach him common phrases and their meaning, and he introduces you to Sherlock Holmes, and teaches you how to pick up on minor details

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