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  "wait wait, finn who now?" asked sadie as she applied lipgloss in front of her locker mirror

"wolfhard, come on keep up sades", millie replied whilst applying mascara

"woah woah woah, back up, finn wolfhard? as in loner finn? seriously millie, of all the boys, you want him?"

"yes, he's my new project"

"ohhh i get it, somebody wants attention from the one person she can't get it from eh?" sadie questioned with a playful smirk

"oh fuck off, well i gotta go, see you at lunch?"


"bye!" the two girls exclaimed in unison


millie strutted down the hallway on her way to class, but quickly stopped when she spotted him

her heart fluttered at the sight of him, but she quickly pushed away the feeling and walked in his direction.

"hi there finnie!" millie exclaimed with a toothy smile

  finn looked at her and rolled his eyes

  "what do you want millie?" finn mumbled angrily

"no need for the anger finnie, just wanted to say hi", millie replied sweetly

"yeah well hi"

" so! can i walk you to our class?"

"sure whatever", finn responded beginning towards his class, millie walking next to him


millie watched finn from across the room, not even paying attention to mr. keerys lesson,

too focused on the boy who just wouldn't budge at the sight of her

even though she perks up happily when she sees him

she shouldn't, but she does

but she wasn't about to give up, she was going to make him hers and that's final

finn had thought and looked at her too

wondering if it was all a dream and if she really was being genuinely nice to him

wondering how long it would take before he dropped the tough boy act and admitted his admiration for her


no finn you can't, she's a heartbreaker and you hate her , he thought to himself

" okay class, history test tomorrow, remember to study, class dismissed!" mr leery of exclaimed while wiping the whit board

finn brushed off the test announcement and walked out of class

but this test was something else for miss millie brown

in fact, it caused and idea to spark in her head

if i just bomb this test, mr keery will have to give me a tutor! and finn is good at history


millie smirked and mentally high fived herself at her idea, and strutted out of the classroom.

hope you liked!
xoxo ana

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