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alright this is it finn, you're going to do it. you're going to ask millie bobby brown on a date, finn thought, practicing ways to ask her out in front of the mirror before school

"hey millie, wanna hang?"

god no finn, too laid back

"yo mills, wanna vibe?"

ok now it sounds like you're asking her to smoke weed with you

"hi millie, please go on a date with me?"

lord jesus finn, now you sound desperate as hell. fuck this im winging it, he thought, getting in his car and driving to school

at school

finn sat down in mr.keerys class and opened his book holding his art, his eyes immediately darting to the pretty girl who had his heart

millie bobby brown

as mr. keery blabbed about pointless history, finn drew millie, making sure to capture every beautiful feature

from her short, wavy hair, to her lovely brown eyes, her defined jaw, and those glossed lips he oh so badly wanted to kiss

he didn't even notice her staring right back at him

not noticing the effect he has on her

millie examined him as well, enjoying herself may i say

she stared dreamily at his sharp cheekbones, the sea of freckles scattered across his face, deep brown eyes, and lips she wanted to kiss forever if she could

her reputation would be ruined if she got with him, but she didn't care at this point

she was falling and there was no one to catch her

the bell ring signaling the end of the day, breaking millie out of her trance

she quickly got up from her seat and sashayed to her locker, finn following close behind

you can do this. you got this wolfhard

he leaned against the locker next to hers, causing millie eyes to look and light up at the sight of him

"oh uh hi finnie" millie squeaked, a stuttering mess

finns nervous expression turned to a smirk, liking his effect on her

time to be smooth

finn walked closer to her, holding her waist with one hand and her own hand with the other

"aw hello, am i making you nervous love?" he smoothly asked

millie just stared at him in shock, her cheeks quickly burning up, mustering a nod

"well i was wondering, can i take you out today?"

millies heart jumped, mumbling a

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